Spread the love

January 2, 2022


Yahweh, the neighbour. There always seems to be a war with him and someone else in the neighbourhood. It may be a one-sided war started by him, but it gives no one peace in the neighbourhood. Yahweh, I truly don’t know what to pray for on his behalf. I don’t know what he needs or what he feels, but You do. Yahweh heal his heart. Heal him in and out. Let his spirit be in tune with You and his mind at peace with You. Heal this community, we’ve seen the fragmenting of the camaraderie since the constant altercations and I truthfully don’t know what else to do, but I do know that prayer works and that You Are God. I am thankful for the quiet we’ve had for the past few weeks. I am thankful for Your promises. Thank you for provision, may his needs be met. His heart restored to You. Thank you Yahweh for who You are. I love you.

Sidebar: I’ve had my phone on vibrate since yesterday. Think I’ll keep it that way for the rest of the week. 

Sigh. Funny enough, it hurts slightly, but not that much so thanks for that. Jeffers unshared his folders. Life. I know that things will die, but damn. Oh well. Whatever, life goes on. I’m getting the sense that this gift will stay here for a long time. I’ve put it on a shelf. I will not be looking at it. He said he deleted it for space purposes. But all his photos are gone too. Yahweh, I do believe ehh. Just know that I have no idea how this would work. Healing is important and I am thankful for that. I am okay. I really am. Tomorrow is the first day of work for the year. Yahweh I pray for Your continued covering over us. Let my words be acceptable to you. Yes, I’m gonna dress up. Because It’s my first day and I want to look cute. I hope I do look cute. Help me to be able to tackle whatever comes tomorrow and this week.


  1. Ideas! From others on how we can reach others through the youth programmes.
  2. Not very painful realising that Jeffers removed stuff. And yes that is a big thank you.
  3. Quiet neighbour.


Now that I’m mostly comfortable. How do you do it Yahweh? How? Cause You speak just in response to my thoughts. I am thankful. I really am. I was afraid of losing that connection, because it was amazing. But ending it even though I was afraid to, even though it hurt like nobody’s business, gave me a greater connection with you and I am so grateful for that. I know the devil will fight even harder, but it’s You and Me. I’m choosing to partner with You even through my fears. Cause I know what is on the other side is amazing. Like last night. You woke me up and even when I initially resisted going to pee, you just made the urge stronger, so that I can get up and see the stars. The stars that you made. I can’t say how thankful I am for that opportunity.

Psalm 147:4 – He telleth the number of the stars; He calleth them all by their names. 

I couldn’t even begin to count what I saw last night and You know each by name. I was afraid to go last night, but I knew I had to push through that fear. And I am thankful for your revelation last night. For your direction today and your continued grace towards me. One day at a time. I’ve often wondered how someone maintains a relationship with You. And it’s one day at a time. You give us daily bread. Not weekly bread. Daily. Today, I choose to keep our connection strong. Thank you for knowing my name.

Sidebar: Fear is a distraction to dominion. Is it possible that Adam had fear and chose to eat also? By giving into fear we give up our dominion. 

Unclaimed territory – Satan will claim. So giving Yahweh claims to our heart, prevents Satan from laying claim.

We’ve been taught certain philosophies regarding faith and belief, but too often we are not taught the power of belief and partnering with Yahweh. It’s often about “submission” and enduring trials. It’s not that we won’t face trails, but partnering with God is truly beyond belief. The mind is where there is intimacy with God.


We’ve been taught to not be confident in our salvation because that is pride. But you call us to be confident in you. And that’s kinda what I’m feeling. Not kinda. It is what I am feeling and it feels strange to be this confident in you and Your desires for me because for so long we’ve been taught to doubt our salvation. Today I choose not to doubt. Today I choose to believe. You love me and desire what is best for me.

Hebrews 10:35 – Cast not away your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. 

Faith – believing, confidence in You.

1 John 5:14 – And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that is we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. 

Proverbs 3:26 – For the Lord shall be thy confidence, and shall keep thy foot from being taken.

This confidence is not about pride or being cocky. But we can become cocky if we start focusing on ourselves and “how well” we’re doing. We can lose the true confidence of who God is.


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