The words "Stand Still" written in white on a purple background
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February 28, 2023


7:30 pm : in my room

I am disappointed. I was so excited for the dresses. But they have arrived and are going to require alterations to look good on me. The dress that is supposed to be flowing, falls straight. The romper that is supposed to be shortish, is long. So I’m turning the romper into a dress and I’m adding more cloth to the white dress so that it flows.


9:09 pm : in my bed, upset at a book

It’s only a book, but books actually draw me in. And I cannot abide anyone hurting an animal. Cannot. At all. I honestly felt like reaching into the book and knocking these people out for being greedy. For threatening children. For stealing. And for hurting a baby dragon. My honest thought was, they deserve to die. Sigh, which is most un-Christlike cause we all deserve to die for the same things too (except hurting the baby dragon, I don’t think anyone of us alive have done that). But we’ve done so much wrong and yet Yahweh forgives us. I don’t know how he does it given how upset I was at a fictional character, but he does and I am thankful for it.

Thank you for your forgiveness. Your amazing grace. Help me be more like you. To honour you in all things. Thank you for not treating us the way we are inclined to treat others. Thank you for being God. I love you.

BTW, is there going to be something every month still and for the rest of my life? Cause that will be cool.


What am I thankful for? 

  1. Yahweh’s forgiveness.
  2. Website paid for!! I was not yet able to pay for a year of WordPress, but will take it month by month for now.
  3. Your promises. Even if they’re not achieved as expected. Your promises are sure. Your word will come to pass.

Thank you for today. I love you.


9:46 pm 


My God can do anything he wants – it’s possible (Travis Greene)

Yahweh, you are God and you do great things. Big or small you do it all. Yahweh. You are God and nothing is hard for you. Tonight I bring before you – me. All of me. The jealous me. The frightened me. The lonely me. The me that feel lost. Me. Please accept me as I am and change me into who you need me to be.

March 1. Tomorrow. I am choosing to fast and pray. Because I need your help. I need your guidance. Sigh. I’ll admit that I’m getting scared of big asks because the answers lately seem to be nos. But I also believe that you love me and you can do anything you want.

So Yahweh, I bring before you – me. Help me to be disciplined in what I do and in what I eat. I have fifty more pounds to lose. I need you. I lift up the vehicle before you. She needs help and I don’t have any way of providing the help. Please provide for the servicing and much needed repairs.

I also bring before you gratuity. It’s long outstanding. I pray for release so that the funds will be released. There is so much I am in need of and I’m afraid of being disappointed again. And I know in theory I shouldn’t be disappointed or expect disappointment. Help my unbelief. I am yours.

Thank you for being God of the impossible. Thank you for your promises. Your love. Help me not to lose my hope in you. You are the source of my hope.

Yahweh, confession. I desire to get married. I do. But I don’t want to enter a marriage shackled by so much debt. As hard as it is to say, I am willing to wait. I can’t promise that I won’t feel lonely, but I am willing to wait. Help me to pay off my debts in a timely manner. Help me to walk in your will and to honour you in all things. Your will. Amen.

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