January 20, 2023
1:08 pm Sitting at my desk at work.
I’m starting everyone off with a clean slate. I had to take a deep breath. An email that was sent almost six weeks ago was not acknowledged or forwarded to the required person. We need to do better.
3:48 pm : Sitting in my room, feeling depressed
I know it’s a small thing but I am honestly just tired. My slippers burst. I’m going to try and fix it because I have no other footwear. But Yahweh seriously? Am I so horrible that this is going to be my life? I can’t seem to get anything done. I can’t even afford a slipper and honestly I’m tired. I’m so tired. I’m tired. I’m going to bed. Maybe tomorrow will be better. I hope cause nothing is working out and I’m tired.
Sigh. I’m trying to pretend that I’m not sad, but I still am. I’m well, I was reading. I’m going to feed the dogs.
8:05 pm
I’m choosing to keep hope alive. Yahweh I truly pray that the rest of my life isn’t going to be just struggle because I’ll probably be depressed for the rest of my life if that’s the case. I know that life is not always easy, but I pray that life is not always hard either. Yahweh. Help me please.
What am I thankful for today?
- An app that one of my officers have been working on is almost ready to launch.
- Hey!! Tomorrow is the AY. Launch!!
- My slipper burst. Again. Trying to be thankful in everything.
- I am alive. My family is alive.
- I have a place to sleep.
- My animals are fed and have a place to sleep.
- The vehicle is still moving and gas did not finish.
- I will not be going anywhere in the morning so I will make breakfast. Thinking fry bake. Not float for a change. Fry bake.
- That I can still give thanks.
- Yahweh still loves me. It’s hard right now, but he loves me.
- I love you.