July 8, 2022
Tonight I realise why I prefer reading and why some speakers appeal to me more than others. When reading I can set my own pace. I read and comprehend pretty fast and I realise that the speakers/preachers I tend to listen to aren’t slow speakers. When they are speaking too slow my brain is ready to fall asleep and I tend to do something (anything) to stay engaged. Tonight listening to the speaker it was difficult to stay engaged. I hope tomorrow that I don’t speak too fast for the folks. Lol.
- A seven year unresolved account. But it is in God’s hands where it should be.
- I bought chocolate today and had a piece. I missed chocolate.
- My Jesus died to save me. Thank you!
- 1 Kings 14-17
- OMG! Wow. So happy. One of the most silent members of our prayer group actually spoke in the group chat. This is the first time. Tears. Thank you!
Yahweh. I pray that the words will be a blessing to those who hear. No nerves. No falling on my face or stumbling. Your voice to be heard. Your words to be heard. Thank you for your love. Your grace. Your peace. I love you!
So. Observation. When I don’t get to wind down by my usual time or close to it, it’s difficult for me to sleep. So I am up. Gonna listen to a sermon and maybe sketch? Don’t know yet.
So I picked a sermon that was entitled about dry bones dancing, but as I settled down with my own, the song, “In God’s Time” came to my thoughts and I started to sing it. I hadn’t heard this song in ages. And I’m listening to the sermon and sketching, “In God’s Time” in reference to the song and to remind myself that it’s about Yahweh’s time and not mine. Then the preacher says, “It is not for you to know the times or seasons” but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. Of course, it made me stop in my tracks and take note. I take notes because I want to remember whenever Yahweh sends me a message in whatever form he does. In his time. Not mine.