time with Yahweh during the day
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April 16, 2022


Not just can’t merge faith with human opinions, but it can’t be merged with fear either. Yahweh, we are so used to living small that it’s what we expect. And we move forward in these small expectations. Today, I will confirm that I know what I heard from you. Why? Because I’m tired of living in doubt. Did you? Did I? That is no way to live. 

Yahweh, I pray that you would move in their life in such a way that they have no choice but to surrender to you. They are running. Not even a true run, but they are trying to keep skipping out of reach – when the truth is they need you. 

I am thankful that you have opened my eyes to some things that I will blinded to before. I pray that no matter what, I will continue to trust you beyond what I can see. The recognition that faith in you accomplishes the impossible (to man), while simultaneously not being reckless is a strange paradox. It’s reckless to jump off a bridge without a line, it’s faith to build a ministry with no visible funds. Yahweh, today I truly realised that even though I was believing you for what I considered difficult things that I have also been holding back. I’ve been holding back. But I should not be living life like that. All your promises are true. You are true. And I need to remember that. Remember that at times when doubt creeps in. 

At times when others say it can’t happen. 

At times when it looks like there is no hope. 

You are true. 

You cannot lie and what you say will come to pass.

You know above all, what I think, what I believe and what I hope for. You know what I need. I am trusting you. Thank you for who you are, for being faithful beyond measure. Thank you for your favour. 

Continue in Prayer and Fast

Today I realised why I had to continue fasting and praying. Even though there are hormonal issues with my weight, food still has a hold on me. Yes, I’ve been eating healthy for a long while now, but still so much of what I did circulated around food and that cycle has to be broken. This morning, as I went into the kitchen to fill my water bottle, I was about to open the container with the cake just because. It wasn’t yet time for the fast to start. So at first I was like, I can eat that. Then I stopped. Yes I can eat it, but should I? When did food take such control over my life? Yahweh, thank you for your moving and Revelation in my life. Thank you for breaking chains in my life. Thank you for opening my eyes in so many ways. I’m looking forward to your plans. Thank you. 

You know what I also recognised strongly today? A person’s attitude is truly contagious and for some reason it’s the negative that spreads the easiest. But that’s why we need to guard our hearts above all else. Be careful of what we allow to enter our sphere. 

Yahweh, thank you for your word and for your faithfulness. I truly love the way that you work: you prepare the way before, putting things in place that I would know what to do, what to say. 

2 Timothy 2:13 – If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful because he cannot be untrue to himself. 

Deuteronomy 32:4 – He is a rock. What he does is perfect. All his ways are fair. He is a faithful God, who does no wrong. He is honourable and reliable. 

You know what I’m truly thankful for? You are faithful. It’s not my duty to fulfill your promises and that is a relief. I know that there are steps that you require me to do and I will happily do them. But the heavy lifting, that’s you. And that sounds weird, but when I think about the covenant with Abraham (and with all of us for that matter), you were the one that sealed it. You stood as a guarantee and that’s what I am holding on to. That is why I can smile, that is why I’m confident. Because you are who you say you are. 

I never would have thought that facing one of the “impossible” promises would have actually strengthened my faith even more because it reinforced that it would be done by you and not by anything that I can do. 

While I’m waiting, I’m getting stronger. My faith is rising and I will run on. While I’m waiting, I’m lifting up on wings as eagles. I believe, I will trust in you.” 

The blog isn’t live as yet, but I have started posting. It’s really strange to see the stuff there. I’m understanding things a bit more and I’m excited!

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