a young green plant growing out of the soil,. The words, "The Source of Hope" written below
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March 1, 2023


4:19 am

It’s March 1, 23. It’s amazing that two whole months of the year have passed. Thank you Yahweh for your protection, your love, your grace. Thank you for being God. I’ll testify of the God I know.

You are almighty – nothing is too big or too small for you.

You are love –  You are the very embodiment  of what it means to love.

You are beautiful – I’ve never seen you physically, but I see your reflection in nature, in your character. And there is none like you.

Thank you for being God. Thank you for your grace. Yahweh, cleanse me from every stain, all that is not of you. Every envious bone. Every thought that is not according to you. Every need to be the world’s definition of perfect. Help me to embrace what you are calling me to do. To be. To accomplish in this world.

Yahweh, forgive us; my parents, this community. I don’t know where we have all erred, but you do. You know everything, including our hearts. Unite our hearts with yours so that we will truly be your representatives on this earth. Help us to show your love. To show your beauty. To show your grace. Not as a facade but as a true image of you and who you desire us to be. Thank you Yahweh for who you are. For your grace over our lives. Today is yours. Yahweh, break the dam that is holding back your plans, because you are God and nothing is too big or too small to stand in your way. I’ll testify of you. You are God. I dedicate my life to you. My love to you. My all to you. I will wait on your timing, your will. I will trust your move.

You do the impossible, but I must recognise who is in control. Who knows it all and I must remember that your promises are yes, at the best time.

Yahweh, I lift Clint before you. I pray that his life will be a testimony of you. That he will find/have your peace in the midst of chaos. That he will walk in your will. That he will honour you.


My finances.






These are all things. And truth is, I still feel bad at times asking for things – sigh, years of being told that we don’t have to ask, you will provide. And you do. You hands down do. But you also say to come boldly before your throne of grace. Which reminds me that you are king. You are in control. What you say will come to pass.

Yahweh, I pray for restoration and recovery in my finances. That all the debts will be cleared and that the choices that I make will be blessings and not curses. Help me to plan, to leave an inheritance for my children’s children. That I will live to see them prosper and be in good health.  That their souls will prosper through you.

I pray for the discipline to lose the weight needed and to keep it off. To say no to what isn’t good for me and to still enjoy life (but with less food). To maintain what you’ve done. To go further in what you’ve started. I pray for the ministry and business. This month was a ridiculously slow month, but I will give thanks because you are still on the throne. You are unshakeable and so is your love and your calling for me to do.

I pray for the business to grow. To be sustainable. To be profitable. I pray that the ministry will reach those who it is supposed to reach. That it will touch the hearts of those who you’ve called to it and that they will be drawn closer to you. Thank you for your promises. Thank you for your grace. Your love. Yahweh, I also lift up Goshen to you. The tiny house. Your place. My place. Our place. You are the king. Everything belongs to you and I pray for everything that is needed for the construction of the house from start to finish. I pray for your divine, supernatural providence for this house, this road, this life. I pray for the souls that will be blessed by it, for those who will live there or pass through. That we will honour you. That the home will be a light on the hill, pointing others to you. To know you and to love you.

Bless the marriage that you have ordained. Help us to walk in your way. Help us to be content in our singleness and in our marriage and to still contend for what you are calling us into. Help us Yahweh to honour you above all. To trust you above all. To live for you. Thank you for your promises on my life. For your grace over us. I serve a God who does the impossible. Big and small. You are God. I love you to you and back. Amen.

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