May 21, 2022
I’ll never stop singing your praise. I’ll never stop singing your praise! Even when folks trying to get me mad. You are worthy. Even when they’re planning things on my time. You are worthy. Even when I have to change things around. You are worthy. I’ll never stop singing your praise! I’ll never stop singing your praise! I’ll never stop singing your praise!I’ll never stop singing your praise!
Psalm 150:1-6 –
Praise God in his holy place.
Praise him in his mighty heavens.
Praise him for his mighty acts.
Praise him for his immense greatness.
Praise him with sounds from horns.
Praise him with harps and lyres.
Praise him with tambourines and dancing.
Praise him with stringed instruments and flutes.
Praise him with loud cymbals.
Praise him with crashing cymbals.Let everything that breathes praise the Lord!
“Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive.”
I am seeing the manifestation of that prayer to see truth and lies constantly. Lies being revealed within a short time after they are spoken. Yahweh, help me to be truthful in all things. Even if it makes me look bad.