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February 11, 2022


So, if at first you don’t succeed, try and try again. Do I believe this? To some extent yes. But I also believe that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Trying to keep my thoughts free and clear of certain things and people, but all week in some way shape or form it keeps popping up. So since that tactic isn’t helping, I’m switching. I’m going to assume (yes I know what assume means), but I’m going to anyway: every time the situation and/or person enters my thoughts, I will pray about it. Every time. Btw, this is not a prayer in anger or anything like that. It’s truly a situation that I hope and pray for the best, for God’s will to be done. But I had also said that I would not keep the situation in mind. But when a car stopped at the side of the road with mechanical issues brings the situation to the forefront again, for like the umpteenth time this past week, I believe that maybe there’s something else that I need to do other than what I have been doing. 

Yahweh, I pray for your grace and protection over the family. They belong to you, you know their trials. Thank you for taking them home safely and I pray that as you continue to strengthen them, they will keep their eyes fixed on you. Thank you for the love that you’ve shown to them. Hold them close. Thank you Yahweh for healing and restoration. 



  1. The person making it home safely.
  2. Your guidance.
  3. Pens!!
  4. The circumstances that help to teach us.

So CONFESSION: I like challenges, but I like challenges with purpose (and I don’t mean like the icebox (?) challenge ehhh). I mean personal challenges: Sigh, I’m still trying to successfully make the French macaron (tears) – I got a beautiful meringue though. But I digress. 

A suggestion came up in my feed for something called the Skin to Skin challenge. Now I watch some of these things side eye sometimes, but because it was a Christian page I decided to check it out. And I love the idea! 

The challenge is to spend 1 hour every day in “skin to skin” contact with  Yahweh (it is based on what is recommended for babies). And since babies can’t talk, we are to be quiet – no request, no amens, no hallelujahs. Just being in Yahweh’s presence: worship music optional. It’s something I do at times already though I’ve never spent an hour. So for the month of March, that would be my aim. Why not start now? I will in a way, taking the time, but March has 31 days and my mind would keep track of it better and it’s something to look forward to next month. Hmmmm. That’s an idea. Each month choose something specific that can serve the deep in the conversation between Yahweh and myself. Only on month 2, but I just realised that there was something done in January and I started something in February, so I’ll continue for the other months. But I will not “plan” them: I will allow Yahweh to lead. I am so used to planning (it’s actually part of the degree I studied), that not planning everything is something I’m learning to do. 

Even with my personal “God’s Love” challenge I actually created a list the same day, but I haven’t used the list or even glanced at it since then because every morning Yahweh guides me where he wants me to be – what he wants me to learn. He leads me and I will follow. 

He Leads Me
He Leads Me

See, there is no way at this point, you can convince me that he already isn’t speaking to me. No way! This morning’s count: He thinks for us. But on my way home, I honestly just chose the first sermon on the feed (yes there are times I search, but not this time). As I listened, the speaker spoke about Yahweh and us reasoning together because we think, but Yahweh wants us to think like him. But, but… I did not finish the sermon. After writing this evening and saying that “he leads me” and started drawing it, the speaker from the same sermon spoke about Yahweh not forcing you, but he’s there to lead us and then he called on John 16:13. The same scripture from this morning. Yahweh thank you for leading me, for revealing yourself to me. For walking with me (well for encouraging me to work with you). You have spoken so much to me, you have confirmed your words to me that I’m just in awe of your goodness. 

You have strategies and have laid the foundation that I would need even before I even thought I would need it. Thank you for who you are. You are truly beyond compare. I love you Yahweh. I love you. I see you. 


(One hour later)

Sigh. I know that I should not feel angry but I am. Alex’s dog is here again and all he has done for the past 40 minutes is bark. All the other dogs are quiet. I’m trying to sleep but can’t because the dog is on my side of the house and he just keeps on barking!

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