a young green plant growing out of the soil,. The words, "The Source of Hope" written below
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March 7, 2023


3:33 am : I’m up! I’m up!

Good Morning Yahweh. How are you today?

Thank you for always being good. Even on the days we mess up, you are good. You are wonderful. Compassionate. Unshakeable. You are my God and you are the only one I will serve. Thank you for this new day and all that is in store.

Yahweh, I pray for the department. There is a lot ahead of us. There is a lot on our plates and I pray for the strength, the grace to do what we need to do at the right time. Strengthen us Yahweh. Help us to grow as a unit, as a department. That the many aspects that we are here for will be accomplished.

Yahweh, remember the youths in the church. Even though I have to take a step back, I will always desire the best for them. I pray that as a church we do more than just talk. Though (funny enough), I think I am finished talking. I would both talk and do, but now I will just do.

There is a statement that says, “You never know how hard someone was riding for you until they stop pedalling.” and honestly even though you don’t stop “pedalling” there are times when you take an infinitesimal step back and allow us to do we own thing with the hopes that we would come to our senses.

Now I am by no means you and I’m not pretending to be. But I will step back. It’s not enough for us to talk, but for us to do. There are so many aspects of a church life that is not meant to be done alone. Yahweh, I pray that the youths, young adults will find you. Will seek you with all their hearts and choose you.

It’s both the hardest and the easiest choice that they will ever make in their life and I pray that they will make it.

Yahweh, cleanse my heart from all that is unlike you. All that is not of you. Help me to walk in your will.

What do I need to change?

In my attitude.

In my life.

A friend saw me in church on Sabbath and asked me why I looked so sad. I didn’t think I looked sad (well for the most of the service) though I did get sad towards the end. I’m not sure when I lost my joy at attending church but I need to find back what I lost. Help me Yahweh. I know it’s about worshipping and honouring you. I will choose to do that no matter what the service looks like, no matter how I am treated in the church. No matter what I feel like.  I will worship.

I Will Rejoice – William Murphy

Psalm 46:4-5 – A river brings joy to the city of our God, the sacred home of the Most High. God dwells in that city; it cannot be destroyed. From the very break of day, God will protect it.

Psalm 46:10 – “Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.

Psalm 46:10 (KJV) – Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.


I may not know exactly what to do, but I do know that you are God. You rule the earth and you are exalted.

BE Still. I think (and I lie corrected), in this instance that I’m struggling with, it means do nothing. Actually, physically, be still. See what you can do. You are in control. The truth is, I don’t want to let down the youths (though it’s not that I’m holding them up – that’s you). So I will be still. I will be quiet and see what the Lord can do. What you will do.

Thank you for your word. For your grace. For your never-ending love. Yahweh, I pray for the First Elder. My personal bias aside, I pray that he honours you in all that he does. I pray that he serves you with his whole heart. I pray also for the pastor. Definitely putting my bias aside, I pray that he is in your will. That he is walking the path that you have called him to walk. Let his heart be in you. To love and honour you in word and action.

Confession though: and I am ashamed to say it especially since I am praying for them. I do desire the best for them. I pray that their choices are according to your will. But I do not trust them. And it saddens me to say it, but I don’t. I long for leaders who will truly lead. It’s not an easy task, and I pray that they will find strength in you. That they will love and honour as you desire. Continue to bless them and strengthen them. Let your love flow through them like a river. You are God and it’s in your hands. Thank you for your amazing love and grace.

Confession: I miss the praise team and I’m conflicted at times about whether to join back. Man alive. Probably why it’s hard to show my joy in church, I’m conflicted by so many things.

Yahweh, at the beginning and end of the day, you are my joy and no matter what conflicts are raging, you are my joy. You are my peace. You are my hope. I love you and I will rejoice!!

Be Still – Travis Greene

“Do Less and Trust God More.”

You are in control.

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