Spread the love

January 23, 2023


5:30 am : Where else would I be at this time? 

Good Morning Yahweh. It’s Monday. I am thankful that I don’t dread Mondays, but I also look forward to the day when I don’t live paycheck to paycheck. Thank you for taking the time to unlearn and teach me. It’s longer than expected truthfully, and I pray that I’m not a stubborn learner, but I also pray that these lessons don’t take another year to learn and to be able to implement.

Confession: I truly have zero desire to rent, it would be a waste of resources on my part; resources that are not readily available at this moment. But I also don’t want to live at home when married. It especially feels like a compromise and not a good one. But then I look at my situation and I don’t know how I would be able to build. It can get depressing and it can also be the easiest part to just ignore the situation, but to do that would also mean ignoring my dreams and burying them which I did for too long. In short, Yahweh, I need help to truly manage (not sure that this is the right word), this situation.

I pray for your guidance and your grace. I know that there is nothing that I can do to earn it, but I am thankful for it.

Yahweh, thank you for your wisdom. Lead me in the path I ought to go and help me to trust you no matter what it looks like. Today is yours. I surrender my will to yours. My desires and feelings to yours. Let your will be done.

I pray for this household. Help us to truly live for you. To live as witnesses of your love. To honour you in all things and to walk in the faith that you have given us.

Remember my office. My Staff. There are some drastic changes coming. For the better, but definitely coming. Help us to adapt and to work as on to you and not to man. Thank you for your grace and your love towards us. Keep us to you. Wrap up in you. Until the day you return. That is an awesome day to look forward to. I love you.

Thank you for not  being afraid of the why questions. Thank you for still holding me on the days that I cry. Thank you for leading me in all situations. Thank you for loving me.


Romans 5:1 – Now that we have God’s approval by faith, we have peace with God because of what our Lord Jesus Christ has done.

Live by Faith.

Thank you Yahweh for who you are. I love you.


12:00 pm : At my desk at Work

Sad truth? I rarely leave my office for lunch. Maybe I should but truthfully we still get so many visitors during lunch that we usually end up not taking any. Thank you for today. I was actually able to complete some long outstanding matters. Good times.


2:00 pm : 

Well I just got off the phone with Miya. She says she has bad news but will speak about it at the next business meeting. Sigh. My mind is envisioning the worst and I need to reign it in. Whatever happens, it will be okay.


Sermon Notes:

  1. Work Hard
  2. Tithe
  3. Budget
  4. Give

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