Morning Star
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October 3, 2022


I am unshakeable because the joy of the Lord is my strength. It is in you that I find my peace. It is in you I find my joy. It is because of you that I will not be moved. Though the world shakes. Though the battles roar, I put my hope in you and have joy forevermore.

Thank you Yahweh for who you are. Thank you for every day that you give me. Thank you for hearing my cry. Thank you for answering my prayers.

Psalm 6:4 – Come back, O Lord. Rescue me. Save me because of your mercy!

Psalm 6:9 – The Lord has heard my plea for mercy. The Lord accepts my prayer.

It’s not because of who I am why you have heard my prayer. It’s because of who you are. You are rich in mercy. It’s not because of any goodness in me why you have answered, why you listen, bless and provide, but because of your goodness. Because of your graciousness. Because of your faithfulness. Today is day eight, day twenty-two. Thank you for bringing me through. Thank you for your guidance, for using me, for changing my mind about so many things. For building me in you  because you are the firm foundation.

Yahweh, today is in your hands because that’s the best place for it to be. It’s truly always there, but sometimes in our delusion we believe that we can run the day. And sometimes you allow us some leeway and when we crash and come running back to you, you still love us. You still help us. You still answer us. You don’t leave us in the mess and say, “I told you so.” You are there to help.

Psalm 63:3-7 – My lips will praise you
because your mercy is better than life itself.
 So I will thank you as long as I live.
I will lift up my hands to pray in your name.
 You satisfy my soul with the richest foods.
My mouth will sing your praise with joyful lips.
 As I lie on my bed, I remember you.
Through the long hours of the night, I think about you.
 You have been my help.
In the shadow of your wings, I sing joyfully.

The Joy of the Lord – Maverick City

Yahweh, thank you for all that you’ve placed in me. Thank you for your love and for using me. It’s all at your feet. Every desire, every hope. Every thought, good or bad. I surrender it all to you. Thank you for who you are. I love you. More than I thought possible. More than anything in the world. More than even the awesome dreams that you have for me. The glimpses that you have given me are beautiful. But they fail and they pale in comparison to who you are. They are nothing without you and I will never let go of your hand. Thank you Yahweh. I love you.

Promises – Maverick City

BTW…This is a complete deja vu, repeat situation, but I have purposed in my heart that I WILL NOT STEAL!! I don’t care if the screen turns all black, I will not steal. Channelling Daniel. I have purposed in my heart that I will not defile myself with ill gotten gains. This is my intent.

I will make it a worship and praise day because I’m trying not to be saddened. It’s not easy at the moment. I’m going to focus on Yahweh. Well, I usually try to, but I am feeling so despondent. So many things that seem to just be falling apart, but they aren’t constant reminders in my face. The phone is and honestly it’s like it’s taunting me. Yahweh, I pray for your strength to make it through today. Just today. I will sing and praise you. You are an awesome God.

Two things: just making the decision to praise God already have me smiling – and someone just said – instead of reading the Bible, let the Bible read itself to us. I love that.

So. So. I’m typing up (No Glory, But a Testimony) the journal and I’m reading where I wrote that the situation I was in had the potential to ruin me. But I am thankful that it didn’t. It hasn’t. I am not through the situation, but I am truly thankful for where you have brought me to. What you have brought me through. Thank you for loving me. I love you.

Yahweh, I will ask this because I truly don’t want to move out of your will. I do not want to stray from your side. Am I doing something wrong? Are my thoughts and beliefs not of you? There are moments when it does feel like one problem on top of the other and I am barely able to catch my breath. I do believe that I’m holding on to you, but I ask that if I have shifted out of your will, please open my eyes and help me to return to you.

Thank you for your encouragement. Thank you for the community that you have placed me in. Thank you for reminding me that I am yours and that hardship does not mean I am far from you. Truthfully, so many things “seemed” better when I was far, but that’s an illusion – looks good from far, but far from good. Thank you for being a good father.

Yahweh, I pray for Erica. I pray also for her dad that in this season his life would be dedicated to you. That even if he does not recover, he will know you as his father. I pray that Erica seeks you and trusts you at all times. Cover her Yahweh. Amen.

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