February 15, 2023
6:01 pm : in my room
So I did not get to stop and write and meditate, but I made sure to stop today. Though thinking it was weird that Vi called right at that moment. Huh. I answered. But the conversation wasn’t very meaningful. I need to take the time. You know something? This evening I actually chose to keep my time simple. Did not wash, cook, clean. I actually listened to a podcast. I think I’ve changed. Me actually listening to a podcast.
Yahweh, thank you for today, for this afternoon and this moment of quietness. Thank you.
So I am trying to organise a photoshoot before my birthday. Still waiting on rates from one photographer. Another said it’s $1000 and three weeks for the photos so I would need to take those the first week in March. Searching for others.
What am I thankful for?
- That I am okay. It seems strange, but I am. Funds are tight at the moment, but I am not going to stress. If I’m not able to do the photoshoot then I’ll cry and move on. Yahweh, confession. Sorry that all this is in the gratitude section, but it is. There have been a lot of disappointments in the past two months. I pray that my desires are aligned with yours. That the choices I make are yours. Because I don’t want to live a life disappointed. Thank you for your promises. I love you.
- Tree clearing issue resolved (for now). Yayyyyy!!
- My bed.