April 30, 2022
And in the last days…the hunger pangs will be greater. At least it feels that way. What do you do then? Pray even more. When you’re at the edge of a breakthrough, Satan tries even harder. But, I serve a God who is stronger, who is a mightier and who wants me, desires with 100% of his heart that I win. For his glory. For my deliverance. Yahweh thank you for calling me into ministry. And I am seeing that the rest you called me into wasn’t for the entire year. I kind of thought it was, you know, but now I need to maintain the balance that you would require going forward.
Thank you for your grace in my life. Thank you for heartbreak and heart repair. Thank you for the delay and the surety that it will happen at the appointed time. Thank you for the peace that reigns even (especially) on the days that have me wondering. But you are still the same. You are good above all and you have never gone back on your word. You will see me through once I keep my eyes fixed on you. You are so good. Your mercy endures to all generations.
Yahweh, this community, this street in particular. Help us to live for you and to know you personally. To have that desire to live for you and not for ourselves. Touch them and may they feel your spirit moving in their lives. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
When Yahweh appoints someone to a difficult task, he gives a special anointing. The task he assigned to Jeremiah: it was a doozer. On top of that he was told that he should not be afraid. This would not be an easy task, to bring the multitude of their sins before the people. To tell them how far they had gone wrong when they will convince in their own eyes they were right.
Jeremiah 6:27 – Jeremiah, I have put you in charge of testing and refining my people. You will know how to test their ways.
And the test them he did, but in the end the pronouncement came.
Jeremiah 6:29 – The bellows of the blast furnace blow fiercely to make the fire melt away the lead. It is useless to go on refining because the impurities can’t be removed.
Can’t be removed. Sometimes (who am I kidding?), most times when I look at the world at large, I wonder if we are like Judah in this time. Because we harden. We not listening to Yahweh. We doing we own thing and doubling down on it too. But even in all this there is hope. A small one when you consider the magnitude of what we deserve.
Jeremiah 5:10 – Go among Jerusalem’s rows of grapevines and destroy them, but don’t destroy all of them. Cut off the branches because they don’t belong to the Lord.
Jeremiah 6:9 – This is what the Lord of Armies says: Thoroughly pick through the faithful few of Israel like someone picks through a grapevine. Like someone picking grapes, pass your hand over its branches again.
They still chose to remain faithful and it truly seems that even as faithful as they are, it doesn’t (didn’t) make a difference. Sometimes, we can live faithfully serving God. We can be a true witness speaking Yahweh’s words faithfully to those around us, but it’s like stick break in their ears. They refuse to hear. What do we do then?
Jeremiah did not stop speaking to the people. Neither should we. But not going to lie, it’s not an easy job.
- Hunger pangs: encouragement to pray even more.
- That there are still a faithful few.
- The mysterious ways that Yahweh moves!