Morning Star
Spread the love

September 16, 2022



Come receive the harvest. Of all you’ve sown in tears.

He’s rewriting your story. He’s redeeming the years.”

Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for redeeming the years. You are most beautiful. Most wonderful. You are my living hope. Thank you Holy Spirit for moving in my life. Thank you for living in me. Pressing on me. For showing up and showing off. Cause you are just that good. You are my hope. You are my strength and in you I can do all things. In you there is no limit. In you there is life. Because you are the source of life. The source of everything and you give freely of everything that you are. You gave freely of your blood to wash us clean. You give freely of your Spirit to move us in your will. You are free with your love. Thank you for who you are. You are my hope. You are my love. You are my peace.

You are.

Thank you for redeeming the years. Thank you for writing my story. Thank you for loving me.

Yahweh, this community is yours. Rewrite the story here. So that your redemption is made plain. So that we can all sing of you. In spirit and truth. Not a false veneer to cover a guilty conscience, but with a humble and genuine heart of praise. Because you are worthy of it all. Worthy of every hallelujah. Worthy of every hosanna. Your name to be lifted. You are lifted up. Hallelujah!

Mark 11:10 – Blessed is our ancestor David’s kingdom that is coming! Hosanna in the highest heaven!”

Hosanna – Israel and New Breed (Decade album) 

Yahweh, you are my king and you reign in my heart. You are lifted on high. All glory belongs to you. I pray that everything I do glorifies you. Show forth who you are. You are Hosanna! Hallelujah!

the word "Hosanna"written in green


Hosanna :  Hósanna : save, we pray (In Aramaic and Hebrew originally a cry for help), hosanna!, a cry of happiness, adoration.

Hôsî-âh-na : Hebrew term meaning, “Oh save now!” or “Please save.”

You Yahweh are mighty to save and worthy of every praise. All adoration. You are the name above every name. You are holy. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for your love.

Yahweh, I lift Clint before you. Protect him in his going out and coming in. Build his life in you. Help him to trust you unconditionally, beyond what he can see. I pray that he will hold on to you and that he knows and understands your love for him. Heal him of the hurt that he feels. Touch him and restore him to you. You are God. You are his God. Teach him and cleanse him. In your hands Yahweh. He is yours.

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