Morning Star
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January 5, 2022


Man and woman were not meant to work alone. Yahweh always groups them or pairs them. Yahweh, thank you for today. Today is in your hands. Help me to speak what you desire me to speak. To remember your words and who I represent. Thank you for your revelation and for the encouragement to fast. It’s definitely interesting not eating as much, but I do know it’s not just about controlling, winning the victory over appetite, but about focusing on you. Continue to use me Yahweh. To work in me. To draw others to you. Thank you for your strength and healing. You are an awesome God!

Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

ROD: straight, short, heavy and club like. it is used to defend and protect.

STAFF: long stick like with a hook on one end. used to direct, manage and also save.

You both protect us from predators and guide us in the way we should go. You are the best shepherd.


Thank you Yahweh for reigniting the desire within me to move forward in building. Thank you for rearranging my thoughts and providing ideas of what to do. Ways that have all significantly reduced the overall expected cost. I truly want to thank you for inspiration cause it pushes/pulls me forward. It is my desire to move in by Christmas 2022, the end of the year of solitude: if it is also your desire. I pray for your continued guidance and direction AND inspiration. Cause well, they have been excellent so far. Today, I start contacting companies regarding the construction. Please go before me and pave the way. Show me who to contact and what questions to ask. Let your power flow and whatever I have to do be favourable in their sight. I need your continued intervention to keep costs low. Thank you Yahweh for your promises. You are my strength and I desire you to be my foundation, both spiritually and physically. Thank you Yahweh for who you are. I will build on you. I also pray for Cee and Vinny in their build. Provide for them. Provide for them. Lead them in the way they should go. Let your will be done in their life. xoxo

2 Corinthians 5:1 – We know that if the life we live here on earth is ever taken down like a tent, we still have a building from God. it is an eternal house in heaven that isn’t made of human hands. 

Yahweh, you are my foundation and even when the house here crumbles, I have the assurance of a home in heaven that cannot be destroyed. I will keep my focus on you. Help me to keep my eyes on you Yahweh.

Jeremiah 29:5 – Build houses and live in them. Plant gardens and eat what they produce. 

Thank you for your instructions. Honestly, it’s always a question of – You’re coming soon, so why do all these things? But your soon and my soon are two different soons. If you return while building we have lost nothing. Literally, we have lost nothing, but have gained a new/better home instead. If you don’t come while building, we have a place to lay our heads, something you didn’t have while you were here. But you love us so much that you desire that for us here. Thank you!!



  1. Our identity as conquerors.  Spending intentional time with Yahweh. Prayer, devotion, reading the Bible. We can create opportunities to allow God to move on our behalf.
  2. Identity as a ruler. Where God gives you authority. Inner dominion before outer dominion. We have to know how to lead our spirits first.

Yahweh, thank you for revelation (I like writing to you). I have always been concerned about the line between self-confidence, esteem and pride. And have always been afraid of becoming full of pride. But pride elevates myself above God. No matter how much I do or what I have, I must always recognise where/who I receive anything from. We can have pride in our spiritual movements – “I prayed three hours a day”, “I do this” and “I do that for God” as though we are doing you a favour.

The speaker just said, if you’re ever tried fasting when you’re not called to do it, it is difficult. I felt your calling for this fast and I am thankful for it. The word that kept popping into my mind was that even though I was hungry, it was easy to limit my intake and I knew it wasn’t the right word, but it’s not that it’s easy, it’s because you have given me the strength to do it. It’s day five and I’m thankful for the energy. The mental clarity. Your leading and that by trusting you and relying on you, I can access your strength!! Hallelujah!!

I called two companies today. Yahweh I bring them before you. Going in I was drawn to one but when I called during the end of last year, they had nothing in place to let people know that they were closed. In my heart, I’m being drawn to the other company at the moment based on the interaction.


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