Morning Star
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June 10, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh. I’m trying to smile but it’s hard to.  It’s really hard to. The visiting dog made so much noise last night. Sigh. I don’t know what to do anymore. You are good, so I will focus on that. You plan everything or allow anything for a reason. So gonna hold on to that. Thank you for all that you’ve done for me. Thank you for your love. Yahweh, help me to show that love today. Tomorrow and every day that I am alive. Thank you for who you are. 

Help me Yahweh not to compare my journey with anyone else’s. We all have a job, a task (or multiple) to do. Help us to focus on that and not on what others have. Cleanse me from all that is not of you. Help me to make your type of decisions. I pray that in everything I will look to you. I pray for the men of this country. Our men are crying out, but don’t know that they are. The choices that they make. I pray that they make good choices. 

Yahweh, please accept my prayers. Translate the disconnected thoughts in my mind to what they ought to be. Thank you for being God above all. For loving me. Even though I was pretending to smile before. That is one thought that I can truly smile about. You love me.  I’m gonna hold on to that thought. You love me. Even though the dog won’t allow me to sleep. 

Request: help me to go to the bathroom. Okay. I don’t even know what I meant and I can’t remember what I was saying or thinking. It is bad this morning. Help me. 

I am thankful. Super thankful. Extra thankful that I can’t go without proper sleep. Note to self: don’t drive if I haven’t slept. Because this morning was an interesting event. I had no idea of half of what I was saying, thinking or doing. The Holy Spirit had a job this morning. Thank you for the interpreter. Thank you for being my intercessor: speaking on my behalf. Thank you for a new day and for your grace and provision in my life. You are an awesome God and no one compares to you. 

Yahweh, I lift up the men of this nation to you. That they would choose you as Lord and savior. So many are living outside of you and without you they are lost. But they don’t seem to know it. I pray that as the good news reaches them, they would be receptive and heed the words and turn to you. 

I pray for “the men.” That they would honour you with their thoughts, words and actions. That they would embrace who you have called them to be and live for you. Thank you for your provision in their lives and may they see the way that you work and be drawn closer to you. 

Bless me Yahweh, to do your will. To trust you. To bless others. Thank you for today. Thank you for your will moving in my life. I love you to you and back. 

Ephesians 2:10 –  God has made us what we are. He has created us in Christ Jesus to live lives filled with good works that he has prepared for us to do.

This is my desire, to live in what you have prepared for me to live.  Yahweh, I hope that I am. It would definitely be less stressful than trying to forging an unprepared path on our own through the jungle. I just remembered something from last night. The guy asked how is it I’m being so normal. I was like what do you mean? He said, before, my energy was always on high: get up and go kinda scene. I know I seem so much different and the best way he could use to describe it is was “normal.” Not sure if that’s a good thing – I’ve never considered myself normal and still don’t. But I did say I am not stressing about things. I do what I’m called to do, work on things that I can, but I am not going to stress myself out as it clearly doesn’t work or help. 

He also asks when do I plan to leave the island since my ideas were too big for here. I said when God tells me to. They thought I was joking. But I was quite serious. Sometimes Yahweh will tell you that he can fulfill what he desires anywhere, and other times, he calls you to a specific place. I no longer try to explain to anyone why I am here (probably because I’m not 100% sure of everything I am called to do here). But most people don’t understand. And even in my deepest and blindest moments with Yahweh, he was so vocal about that that I could not ignore it. And there were times when the opportunities in other countries far out stripped what I do and earn here workwise. Some may think it’s foolish, but I’d rather be a fool in Yahweh, than wise in man’s eyes. Thank you for the way that you have led in the past even when I wasn’t paying the greatest attention. Before I go out today, I will see where you are directing and that I would follow. Bless me indeed. 

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