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June 17, 2022



  1. Finished reading Ezekiel. Truly was better than I thought it would be.
  2. Checking out a million places for the prayer retreat. Fine, not a million, but a lot. Lots of places take long to respond.
  3. Medium. So much fun. 
  4. Ezekiel 39-48, Luke 1-5.


One of the places I checked out is absolutely stunning. It’s also 1500 over budget and already booked. But it is so pretty. 


CONFESSION: I’m feeling a bit sad this evening. I’m reading the Bible and I’m feeling excited with the underlay of sadness. Researching places to stay and it’s the same thing. Yahweh, I am waiting on you. I am. Everything just seems so impossible. I don’t know how it’s going to happen. Talking with my brother yesterday, he was lamenting that in a year and a half he wasn’t even able to come up with the funds for even one pallet of blocks. Sigh. I share his lament. But I’m also trying to stay strong in you. Everything seems impossible. So did the blog actually going live. Seemed impossible that is. Granted it’s not being read very much, but it is there. Something that seemed impossible four months ago but it happened. I will keep on trusting you. I will keep my hope in you. Because there’s nothing I can do at this stage, but praise you. 

Thank you for today, for your favour. For ideas and the resources for the implementation. Thank you. I love you. Good night. 

Feeling Sad

Rule to remember. If I am feeling sad, don’t be afraid to cry. Thank you for your purposes and for your timely reminder that you are working things out. 

There is so much I’m thinking of or internalising that I’m not sure how to verbalise it. Sometimes I truly wish that I wouldn’t start to worry or wonder but every time, you don’t get mad at me for wondering. You may if I intentionally do wrong, but you truly don’t get mad at me in my worry. You remind me why I should not worry. How much you love me. And once again,  even though this is like the three hundredth and eleventh times I’ve probably said this, I will say it again. I would trust you. I am choosing to trust you. 


Psalm 91:2 – I will say to the Lord, You are my refuge and my fortress, my God in whom I trust.


Psalm 25:2 – I trust you, O my God. Do not let me be put to shame. Do not let my enemies triumph over me.


Psalm 56:3 – Even when I am afraid, I still trust you


Here's my worship written in purple and orange. The words hallelujah, hosanna and thank you written below.

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