Morning Star
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December 18, 2022


Thank you Yahweh for rest.


Sleep in heavenly peace


Yahweh, thank you for a new day, Thank you for life. For health and strength. Thank you for your love and grace towards us. It’s interesting. I noticed that after the “official” year in solitude ended that the 2am wake up call stopped. I had my alarm even set, but I couldn’t get up.

And truthfully, I was like – this is a trick of the devil. I need to force myself through this. Get up and worship at my usual 2 o’clock no matter what! And I was reminded that different seasons often require that we change our methods required for that season. I still get up early, but it is a different time of early.

Yahweh, I need help. I do not know what to get for TJ. Was not able to do anything for his birthday. But I can’t let Christmas pass and nothing. It would be a shame. Think I will ask his parents.

Yahweh, help me to be able to manage this season. I pray for your grace and your promise to multiply. Thank you for who you are and I pray that as I go through today that I will keep my eyes fixed on you. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.



  1. Transitions are markers of growth.

Yahweh, thank you for revealing who you are to me. For showing me your promises. I keep thinking that you have something even more amazing to reveal (and you do), but I also see where this whole year is a season of revelation. You revealed so much of who you are and what you desire of me and I need to live in that. I need to trust that your revelation is enough for now. To do your will. To step forward in your promises and to rest in you. Thank you Yahweh for who you are. I love you.

See, I love when you do that. The revelation that the year was about revelation. I knew it was preparation, but still expecting another revelation like right now. And yes, you will always reveal new things about you. But to see the sermon I’m listening to, confirming that the season of isolation is a season of light and revelation is amazing. Thank you Yahweh.

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