March 10, 2022
Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for today. I feel only half awake at this moment, but I am up. Happy dance!! Immediately followed by a sigh (not the good ones). Yahweh, I bring Cap before you. He has been hospitalised. I pray that he will be healed. Keep him calm and I pray that he will keep his trust in you. Depending on what is discovered, he may need surgery. Protect him yahweh and may your will be done. Thank you for your promises. Thank you for your love.
It’s pretty cool to realise how much your promises to us are because you love us. You are wayyyy better than us and want the best for us. But the truth is, it’s sometimes hard to believe because of the world we live in, where almost everyone seems to have an ulterior motive. And so we become cynical, sceptical and we find it hard to come to you.
But you, with all that you’ve seen in this world, all that you have experienced still smile at us. Still desires to hold us. Still want to be our friend and you still want to take care of us. Yahweh, thank you for all that you’ve done for us, and you do a lot. Your promises are sure.
You didn’t make them to take them back and truthfully, because we ourselves can be spiteful and selfish, it’s often what we see in others and what we expect from you. It’s too easy to see you holding a big stick (because, no lie, that’s how so many generations have been taught to see you), instead of Your arms wide open to welcome us into them. Sigh. I honestly long for a hug from you: a hug a day keeps the devil away. Thank you Yahweh for loving us unconditionally, for choosing what is best for us. Thank you for your Holy Spirit in my life.
I realised this week that while I am still in a waiting mode for certain things, I am not anxious and I am super thankful for that. Thank you for hearing and answering prayers and for placing persons around me who are able to provide on your behalf.
Yahweh, thank you for the grace to ask for help. The truth is, for so long I’ve felt I had to do everything on my own – because that’s what I’ve had to do before. Most times when I asked for help, the answer would be no. But you’re not like man and you’re showing me everyday that it’s okay to ask you. That’s it’s good to ask you and I’m talking a lot, but I am just really thankful for who you are and for you being such an integral part of my life.
Thank you for healing; for healing my brother. According to the song, “Thank you in advance.” Thank you for healing me and for opening my heart to see you: to really see you. Though I know I can’t see all of you yet, I have the assurance that one day we will see face to face. And yes, I will have my arms open. Fair warning.
Psalm 103:2,3 – Praise the Lord, my soul and never forget all the good he has done: he is the one who forgives all your sins, the one who heals all your diseases.
Healing is such an integral part of your ministry (so not the word I really need). When you were physically here on earth, you were healing almost continually and you never stopped (though sometimes we take your healing for granted).
Jehovah-Rapha. You repair, stitch together. You fix what is damaged and you so often extend this grave to even those who don’t believe. Thank you for your healing power.
1 Peter 2:24 – Christ carried our sins in his body on the cross so that freed from our sins, we could live a life that has God’s approval. His wounds have healed you.
He did so much for us. It’s truly sin (and our hardenness) that has caused so much disease to be rampant in our lives. But you still carried our sins. You still took on the wounds so that we would be healed. Yahweh, I pray that Cap will be healed. Not just physical healing,but spiritual. Restore his whole spirit to you, that he would rest in you. You died for us, Yahweh, help us to live for you. Thank you for healing us.

Healing by Richard Smallwood and Vision
Note to Self: Do not trust anyone who has disappearing messages as their default in whatsapp. What are you doing and saying that make you so paranoid? Staying far.
So I keep considering what schedule to keep with the blog. It’s not the reason I keep this journal, but it is not an aspect of it. The thing is, I keep thinking one week behind because I re-read one week behind every week, but I don’t think I can maintain that type of schedule while posting three times a day. So today, the thought occurred to me – two weeks behind. I would have time to type and edit and post. Unless things change, this is what I will work with.