Morning Star
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February 11, 2022


Thank you for a new day! I remember reading that it takes almost 4 months for new sleep habits to form. At the time, 4 months seemed so far away and now I’ve realised that 4 months has passed and you know what? I’m sleeping better. It’s easy for me to fall asleep and not overthink myself into tiredness. Yahweh thank you so much! I know that sleep is important but for so long anxiety and worry helps me hostage. I did not sleep. Now? I sleep and would sleep more too, but I have to, must to also meet with you, because I cannot do anything without you. It’s still funny that the lack of sleep on my part has been a catalyst for so many things, and I’m thankful for that. Thank you for teaching me, guiding me and for being there. Thank you for making yourself known to me (I’m still getting to know you) but each day it is so wonderful to know more about you. Thank you for opening my heart to you, because it was only you who could have done that.

Thank you for these past few days. There’s so much I’ve come to know about who you are and there’s still so much to know. You are an amazing, awesome, wonderful, beyond all knowledge, thoughtful, (I can’t even think of words) glorious God. You hear us. You know us. You. Sigh. Words can’t truly explain and I like words. You love us with an all-encompassing love that never fails. Question: do we get to hug you when you return? Because I like hugs and I think (well I know) a hug from you would be awesome. 

How much do you love us?

You think about us. 

And this may seem like a no-brainer, but today it resonates with me. I keep saying that I need to stop thinking about this or that, but the truth is when you care about something or someone you would think about them (not obsess ehh). You would plan, you would at times wonder what they were up to (if not in view), but there would be thoughts. What is amazing is that you think about all of us (at the same time!) without losing focus on any of us or the world at. I don’t even want to know how you do it. But I am glad that you do.

Think: to direct one’s mind towards someone or something; use one’s mind actively to form connected ideas.

So this is a bit weird, except for Jeremiah (that famous text) and in the beginning, most of the scriptures speak about us thinking, not you. Though: 

Psalm 139:17 – How precious are your thoughts concerning me, oh God. How vast in number they are! 

David rejoices over Yahweh’s thoughts towards him and so should we. But it’s not just about thoughts as we think thoughts (after all Isaiah 55:8 says that his thoughts are not our thoughts). It can be too easy to limit Yahweh  to who we are (and sigh, even in this, I kinda am, because thought from a God perspective is not the same as  thought from a man’s perspective). 

Psalm 139:17 – Thought translation comes from the Hebrew word “rea” which means purpose or aim.

Isaiah 55:8 – Thoughts translation comes from “machashabah” meaning thought, device. 

So. So. Thank you. I am starting to get completely overwhelmed because each scripture just not coming together in one cohesive thought. Because of course, I expect to be able to piece Yahweh’s thoughts together (rolls eyes so hard). But then Yahweh whispered (because I was literally, eventually, like help!) I need help. And he really does help us. He guides us. He plans for us and he thinks for us. That’s what he said. And it’s not in a creepy brain-washing way, but the Spirit imparts to us what we ought to know. And there are so many examples of this. Can I say thank you again? Imma say thank you again. Thank you!! 

Matthew 10:19, 20 – …When the time comes, he will be given what to say. Indeed you are not the ones who will be speaking. The spirit of the father will be speaking through you.

We won’t be left to our own devices (because we know how that would turn out), he will speak through us. He will show us what to say. His Spirit moving in us, activates our thoughts so that they are in sync with his.

Acts 17:28 – For in him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, “For we are also his offspring.” 

Once we allow him into us, everything we do is because of him. Our words, actions, who we are is because of who he is.

John 16:13 – When the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into the full truth. He won’t speak on his own. He will speak what he hears and will tell you what things to come.

He will speak what he hears. His Spirit knows the deep thoughts of God and is our interpreter. He puts Yahweh’s thoughts into thoughts that we can understand. It enables us to be drawn closer to him. To know him better and while we will never fully understand Yahweh, by sharing what we can understand of his thoughts we know him better.


He Thinks For Us
He Thinks For Us

Sigh. Yahweh forgive me of my previous thoughts. When folks used to say that they spent an hour or more in your word, I used to think they were being pretentious (facepalm). But I now understand how and why. And I’m thankful for your intervention in my life. I will say though, that how the time is spent with you is individual. The method that resonates with each person will differ and I think that’s what kept me closed off to the idea before. Well one of the reasons why, because when I did it the way others said they did, I would fall asleep. But operating the way you have led me to, I realise hours pass and I am wondering where the time has gone and how to stretch it more without neglecting my other responsibilities. 

Minutes turning into hours, doesn’t really matter. When the song that just encapsulates your thoughts starts to play. I just want you Yahweh. Nothing  compares to you.

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