February 4, 2022
Thank you for a new day. It’s funny, one of the reasons I started taking the steps I am now is because I’ve had problems falling asleep and staying asleep. While longer “deep sleep” is still a bit elusive, I’m happy that it’s been easier to fall asleep and stay asleep where now the time I used to wake up before, it’s getting harder to wake up. But I will still get up so that this day that you have given me can be started with you. Thank you for your grace and mercy towards us. It’s funny how grace and mercy always seem to go together. Thank you for waking me up. Today is Friday!! OMG! The end of the week! Did you speed up time? I swear that four years ago it felt like time was just dragging. (Wow, and I’m feeling the tricep workout from two days ago. That doesn’t usually happen!)
Thank you so much for who you are. For being the Anointed one (Still can’t believe I didn’t know that’s what Christ meant) and for choosing to anoint your people. Last night in reading/listening to Exodus and the special mix you designed for the anointing of the priests and the other one for the altar, it truly emphasised how seriously you took/take anointing. Those blends were not to be used for anything else and were specially created by you. That is awesome by the way. (Sigh. No lie. Kinda makes me wish that you still commanded your prophets to anoint people, but sadly now it’s almost as though it’s a bit of a mockery with some: buy this oil and get anointed kinda scene).
But I am thankful that you still anoint, not by man’s hands a lot of times, but by your Spirit. Thank you for moving in our lives, for touching us and giving us a hope and a future with you.
I pray for your strength for today because you know this world is cray cray. I pray that my decisions will be God ones. I pray for continued healing and honestly it didn’t really hit me until yesterday that healing is synonymous with forgiveness. There’s some aspects that may be different, but they truly go hand in hand. Healing always involves forgiveness (I had previously said that you heal at times without forgiving first). But while you may not have said the words forgive, your healing also forgives. But I dare say that in those instances where you spoke first about forgiveness as separate, the person’s guilt was so deep and so debilitating that special notice had to be given. Thank you for seeing us: seeing the heart of us and knowing what we truly need in any given time. Thank you for seeing our hearts, our desires, our guilt and our shame and still loving us in spite of it. Thank you for sharing with us who you are (at least the parts that we can begin to comprehend) and for not shying away from us even though we are not perfect.
I remember one of my favourite movies “Avatar” where the people didn’t say “I love you” as a term of endearment, they said “I see you.” You see us: you see us in our past before we turn to you. You see us in our future if we don’t accept you, but you also see and rejoice in us when we turn to you. And though we see you through a veil for the moment, you see us clearly and still love us and desire the best for us.
See: perceive with the eyes, discern visually.
See (biblical): receiving by the eye, knowing, understanding.
Job 34: 21 – God’s eyes are on a person’s ways. He sees all his steps.
God sees everything about us. But I’m learning to also check the original language used (not going to claim perfect understanding, only what is revealed to me).
Eyes: e•naw: Seems all the time it is used it refers to ice. But the interesting part comes with – he sees. The Hebrew word is yir•eh of my immediate thought was that yir•eh refers to provision. And it is. But it also refers to (or rather is translated to) to see. Gen 22:8 – God will provide for himself the lamb. Deut 1:35 – the generation shall see the good.
Just suppose that Yahweh seeing our steps, is not just about him seeing physically and spiritually, but also making a way for our steps: provision for where we have to go. He doesn’t just see the way we picture seeing, but he gives us the tools and clears the path for our steps.
Yahweh, there are so many nuances to who you are and you don’t just look on us, you see us. Thank you for seeing us (the way that we envision see) and thank you for going beyond what we see.
Lamentations 3: 49, 50 – My eyes will keep flowing without stopping for a moment, until the Lord looks down from heaven and sees.
So. So.
See: wa•ye•re: this is no regular seeing (why would I even think there’s regular seeing when it comes to an almighty God? Facepalm). He sees and he judges and pleads our case. Btw, he’s the only one who could be the lawyer, judge and jury and still be fair. But this see (so far the root word is “rash” – though I don’t fully understand how that works) it’s about seeing us in our plight and ensuring that our case is heard until it. We are not left there in tears, he wipes our tears and makes the best decision for us.
Psalm 33:13, 14 – The Lord looks down from heaven. He sees all of Adam’s descendants. From the place where he sits enthroned he looks down upon all who live on earth.
The Lord looks: hib•bit
He sees: ra•ah
He looks: his•gi•ah
The Lord observes from heaven and sees all of us (one of the few times the root word itself is used). He sees us in his purest form and sees us in our “purest” form. We not pure ehhhh. And he gazes at all on the earth. His•gi•ah refers to not just seeing but gazing.
Gaze: To look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise or thought.
That’s an interesting visual. Yahweh is looking at us intently and he knows all, but still admires us (he called his creation good), he still thinks about us and is surprised? Though I think surprise is too human a word. He delights in what we do, especially when it’s what he’s calling us to do. He’s excited for us, he sees us.
Yeah we thank you for the million and one ways that you see us. There is none like you. I look forward to the day when we can see you! Thank you for who you are, I love you. I want to say I see you, but I can’t see clearly so I love you.