Morning Star
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March 5, 2022


Thank you Yahweh for waking me up this morning. Thank you for your grace and love for me, you are worthy to be praised. Forgive me for the thoughts that have not been like yours, let my words be acceptable to you. Sync my heart with yours so that I can be more like you (how would you do that though?). I am always curious about how you work. I am thankful for the glimpses you’ve given of who you are and for the understanding that comes with it. You are my light and my salvation. No lie, it is so amazing what you did so that we would have a chance at life eternally with you once more. Thank you for wanting us here even though you knew the outcome of making us before you made us. Most of us would not have bothered. But you did. You saw what would happen and still desired us: you are beyond words. 

Thank you for who you are and for loving me. I can never repeat the cost, but you said to come and eat without cost because you paid it all. Thank you for restoration in you. You save us from our sins, you save us from our own mistakes and wanderings. 

Jeremiah 31:25 – I will give those who are weary all they need. I will refresh everyone who is filled with sorrow. 

You have promised to those who are worried that they will have what they need.

Weary: feeling or showing extreme tiredness especially as a result of excessive exertion. Exhausted in strength. 

You know I understand that so much that you are there waiting with what we need even before we ask. What does a very soul need most? Rest. And you encourage all to come to you because you will give us rest. You will fill our hearts and souls with that which will replenish and restore. They will be satisfied in you. You’ve got this. 

Isaiah 40: 30, 31 – Even young people grow tired and become weary and young men will stumble and fall. Yet the strength of those who wait in hope in the Lord will be revealed. They will soar on wings like eagles. They will run and won’t become weary. They will walk and won’t get tired. 

You know what I realised? You are not mad when someone gets tired, instead you are filled with compassion and acknowledge that even those who are young,: who are just starting out can (actually will) get tired and weary and you accept that. Because you, our God and creator do not get tired and worried (Isaiah 40:28). You remind us time and time again that in you that is rest and restoration. That when you fill us we find a new joy, a hope that lifts us up far beyond what we thought possible. 

When we fix our focus on you, we will find strength. We are restored, our souls are replenished with your joy, your peace, your rest. 

Matthew 11:28, 29 – Come to me, all who are tired from carrying heavy loads and I will give you rest. Place my yoke upon your shoulders and learn for me, because I am gentle and humble. Then you will find rest for yourselves.

I believe that there are some scriptures that are so popular because what it speaks about affects everyone. Everyone gets tired. Everyone needs rest (well everyone except Yahweh). We can all relate to that feeling of weariness at some point because whether it was physical or soul, we’ve all been there.

You’ve been diligently working. Doing what you’re called to do. But each day more and more is placed on you. The original translation says those who are toiling and being burdened. You’re doing what you’re doing and more is placed on you. It wasn’t that you went looking for more trouble or work. It is being put on you – whether intentional or by circumstance and I know that Yahweh sees and understands that. 

That’s why he said what he did. 

Everything that someone has put on you he is offering to carry. Every word that is wearing us down – he wants to replace it with his word. So often we underestimate the weight of the labels that others put on us. They say “worthless” ( or in local parlance “wotless”). But Yahweh thought we were worth it – worth dying for. They say ugly. He calls us beautiful. They call us bastards. He calls us his sons and daughters. Every time we exchange the words that are placed on us for the words that Yahweh offers, our burden lightens. Our soul starts to shine because it reflects how Yahweh truly sees us. He restores us to who he meant us to be. There has never been a time when Yahweh did not restore. Our spirit. What was lost. He restores. 


Restored by Lecrae


Breakfast this morning: Sada bake, scrambled eggs and cocoa tea. Now I don’t know if sada bake is an official thing, but it is a cross between sada and bake so we are extremely original and call it sada bake. Lol. 

Yahweh. Thank you for hearing and answering. Like, thank you, thank you. I was truly overwhelmed when I thought about what to do about the blog and you came through. I was legit ready to message the person but when I saw that it was after eight I was like nope, Monday. Thank you for who you are. You’re leading and guiding. I love you. Hugggggggsssss. 


Of Yahweh’s Promises Playlist

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