February 14, 2022
Jesus you’re amazing! You make my life feel brand new. Jesus you love me too much! It’s a new day. A brand new day as they say. New every morning is thy love. Thank you for your love for me: just for me. Jesus came and did it for me, and that’s a truly amazing thing. If it had been me alone he needed to save: me alone who had gone astray, he would have come. Gone through all that suffering, to save me. Thank you. Sigh. I can’t find new words so old words would do. I am grateful, beyond grateful that you died for me. That you love me. You gave of yourself so that I can have a chance at life, so that I can get to choose. And that’s even more amazing. You gave up your life not even for a sure thing where we have no choice but to do what you say. You gave up your life and then said that we have a choice to follow you or not. And in all we choose not to love or follow you: you still love us. You would have still died for us to have a choice. For me to have that choice to live free from bondage. To live free from fear and discontent. You did that for me. Thank you for loving me. You are truly amazing, you put a song in my soul.
Today is yours. To do your will. You gave me a choice and I offer back to you because you know what is best for me. You desire what is best. Because they are too different things: I can know what is the best thing and still choose to do something else. But not you. You know what is best for me and you choose to do what is best for me even if I don’t understand it. You have given me a new life here and a promise of a new heaven and a new earth. Old things have passed away, behold all things have been made new. A new heart. A new mind. A new life in you. You are astonishing. You are marvellous. Way, way, waaaayyyyyyyy better than a Marvel movie, even though they write “cosmic” stories. But you are beyond all imagination and you love me, you love us and you keep your promises to me. Thank you.
Lamentations 3:22, 23 – It is because of the Lord’s Mercy we are not completely wiped out. His compassion is never limited. It is new every morning. His faithfulness is great.
Each day is new. Your love isn’t new, but because of it we have a new day. Because you are faithful, we are made new. Your mercy and compassion for me, gives provision, healing and life. You make your moves quietly, we don’t even know or can’t even begin to fathom what you are doing until the new is brought forth. A new dream, new desires. Honestly it feels so good to hope again. It gives life meaning: knowing that this is not all. Knowing that your promises are sure, both on this earth and the one made new. I’m sorry for the choices I’ve made before and I’m thankful that you’ve taken away my guilt and shame. I didn’t even study too much until now, but so often I ask for forgiveness and still walk around carrying the burden (I know I’m an idiot), but you can make an idiot wise. Thank you for opening my eyes to you and to the joy that is found in you when we truly believe and trust you.
Ezekiel 18:31 – Stop all the rebellious things that you are doing. Get yourself new hearts and new spirits. Why do you want to die, nation of Israel?
Without a new heart and new spirit, we die: an eternal death. And you don’t want us to die. Well not the eternal death anyhow. But it was never your desire that you die at all. You ask us to get new hearts, but it’s not really us getting or putting in a new heart. We have to choose you and by doing so we have a new heart. A new lease on life.
SIDEBAR: Gen 3:22 … He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the Tree of Life and eat and live forever.
So the thought is this. Adam and Eve before the fall would eat/have eaten from the tree of life. After the fall, they were put out so they couldn’t eat of this tree and live forever. What if (this is a good what if), even in Eden we were being (well Adam and Eve) made new every time they had eaten of this food? When they ate, it gave them new life. What if, even in Eden, Yahweh was saying you need to come to me and eat of me (even then!) in order for you to truly live? What if they had stopped going to Yahweh for the provision he gives? What if even without eating of the forbidden fruit that they had decided they would not partake of what Yahweh offered daily, they would have died?
I don’t think it was a coincidence that Yahweh said what he said. The long life then was dependent on that renewal of coming and communing with Yahweh. Of eating what he offered and being renewed to live another day. Because even in Eden – he gave them a choice. We have to choose even then.
Psalm 51:10 – Create a clean heart in me, oh God and renew a faithful Spirit within me.
Restored, renewed, repaired. To be faithful. A pure heart. We don’t often think of anything in this world being pure, but maybe that’s why Yahweh said that David was a man after his own heart. Because his heart was pure. His heart was constantly being renewed in Yahweh. He went to him continually and received provision and constant renewal in him. He said, do not force me from your presence. In Yahweh’s presence there is constant renewal and each time it is renewed all things from the past are gone. We have a clean slate.
Yahweh thank you for your renewal. Thank you for encouraging us to be in your presence. For your mercy is new every morning, You are so faithful. You make us new every morning with your love.

You really make me smile. Totally cheesing. Well after shedding a couple tears of shock and joy. Thank you. It’s Valentine’s Day. I know, a totally man-made “holiday” but still. It’s one I’ve actually never really “celebrated.” Still haven’t though I totally baked myself a cake. But I’m smiling because of the greetings I got from Jeffers this morning. So I got to say thank you. For making me smile. For a hope that I chose not to pray for because I truly did not want a “place-holder.” But you answered anyway. Thank you Yahweh. I love you.
[…] What I find intriguing about these texts? The Tree of Life is in heaven. Why would we still need healing there? And I’m reminded of the choice that Adam and Eve had to make daily in Eden. (February 14, morning). […]