Morning Star
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March 8, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for a new day, for waking me up. I’ll admit last night’s sleep (or lack thereof) was a bit weird so I’m feeling groggy this morning. But!! I am alive and well and I am thankful for that. Thank you for your goodness.
Yahweh, I pray for your young people. I honestly don’t know what to think. For a group that is seemingly most connected, they also seem the most disconnected and isolated. So often when you try and reach out, the response (if any) is so lacklustre. Yahweh, I pray that they will come to know you, that they will discover the joy of having a relationship with you. Thank you for not giving up on them and for loving them.

Today, I am yours and you are mine and that’s a happy thought. No matter what happens today you will be there to guide. I am thankful, even for the times you guided me even though I was disconnected.

Isaiah 60:19 – The sun will no longer be your light during the day, nor will the brightness of the moon give you light. But the Lord will be your everlasting life. Your God will be your glory.

We won’t be looking to the sun and the moon for guidance: to know the times or to be able to move. We will have the pure light that comes from your Yahweh, the light that will not die or fade away/disappear the way that the sun and moon disappears. Nothing can eclipse that light.

Light: Something that makes vision possible. Truth. Having little weight. (Archaic – sight).

2 Samuel 22:29 – O Lord, you are my lamp. The Lord turns my darkness into light.

Yahweh is light. His promise is to turn darkness into light, to enable us to see, not just where we are going but to prevent us from falling off a cliff. (Lol. I remember those movies where someone has to walk it along a narrow path and they’re hugging the side of the mountain and then when it’s day they actually see how close they had come to falling to their deaths). When we walk in the light, it feels all. Everything. Sometimes we attempt to walk in the dark, but in those times, we should not be walking blindly. The true light of Yahweh reveals our own light, or rather it reveals what type of light we have.

Luke 11:35 – So be careful that the light in you isn’t darkness.

Isaiah 50:11 – But all of you light fires and arm yourselves with flaming torches. So walk in your own light and among the torches you have lit. This is what you will receive from me: you will be tormented.

It is clearly, 100% possible to have a false Light within us. Be careful that the light in you is not darkness, be careful that it’s not a light lit by yourself. Be careful that we are not walking in our own strength, in our own wisdom. Be careful that our light isn’t man-made. It won’t stand the test of time: it won’t shine forever. It means that we would always have to be looking for ways to keep that light burning. Kindle, and that would lead to destruction around you. A light needs fuel, and if the source isn’t infinite (like Yahweh) it will go out or look for other things to consume. That type of light is dangerous, but we have hope.

Isaiah 60:1 – Arise! Shine! Your light has come and the glory of the Lord has come.

Yahweh is here. His light is here and cuts out all darkness. To have this true light is unbelievably simple. I think this is why so many have problems with it, we expect things with the Almighty to be difficult, but it is written:

Psalm 119:129, 130 – Your written instructions are miraculous. That’s why I obey them. Your word is a doorway that lets in light, and it helps gullible people to understand.

The Word (the Bible) and the Word (Jesus) is what gives us access to that light. When we spend time in the word, the light of Yahweh comes into us. Jesus himself said, “I am the light of the World.” He is the everlasting light.

CONFESSION: Last night, after I had fallen asleep, there was a crash outside that woke me up. It was difficult to go back to sleep and after a while I started to read. It was after 12:00 when I went back to sleep. The problem is that I woke up minutes to 6:00. I usually have my time with Yahweh at about 2:30 a.m. and then go back to sleep (sometimes) getting up at about 6:00 a.m.. This morning’s devotion was to the tune of news, music, talking, my name being called. Sigh. Next time even if it’s 12:00 that I’m awake, I won’t just read (though yes I was also reading the Bible). Because it’s difficult to focus when it’s later. Well, that I have my own place and the good thing about there? I’ll be kind of isolated. It’s not so isolated that I can’t say hi to a neighbour, but it’s unlikely that their noise will infiltrate my space. Can I smile at this promise? I am. I’m going to smile at this promise today.
Thank you for you. Thank you for your promises. Thank you for being the light that we need, in us, around us and guiding us.

He is Our Light

Light Dem Up by Positive


Okay, I’m re-reading last week’s journal and struck once more by the meaning of crown biblically: that which surrounds. And then thinking about the five crowns mentioned in the Bible. The Imperishable Crown. The Crown of Rejoicing. The Crown of Righteousness. The Crown of Glory. The Crown of Life.

Of His Promises Playlist

(Ughhhh. I have to leave for a site visit. Will have to come back to this).

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