March 3, 2022
3:33 am on 3/3. That is the day and time as I start writing. Don’t know why, but I like to see numbers when they happen like that. Probably why I like my birthdate so much. Thank you Yahweh for another day, for all that you’ve done and continue to do. Thank you for who you are. If no one has told you today, you are truly amazing and worthy to be praised. Thank you for being good, you created us and blessed us, but any good that we are is in direct connection with you in us. Thank you for creating us in your image – just a bit lower than you. Though, that little bit is much when you look at it. Reminds me of a song: Little is much when God is in it. Labour not for wealth or fame. There’s a crown and you can win it. If you go in Jesus name.
You know how to take the little we have, the little we are and multiply it. How do you do that? I don’t know but you do and I am thankful for it. You take who I am and make it into something more. Something (?) Someone who isn’t just a bot following orders but who can choose. Each day is a new day and I choose You today. To be your representative. I choose to trust you in everything and I choose to live a life in obedience to you. I will live today for you. Thank you Yahweh for your strength for today, your provision for today, your healing.
Truthfully when I think about where you have brought me from, it still amazes me. I know that others may say, but you were fine all the time. But you knew the truth and a mental prison is in so many ways worse than a physical one. Thank you for rescuing me for hearing my cry and answering me.
Isaiah 65:24 – Before they call, I will answer. While they’re still speaking, I will hear.
So many of us don’t hear or answer when someone is calling us. We may be preoccupied, phone on silent or any combination of things. But not you Yahweh. We just have to think about calling you and you are there to answer. And the truth is when we are ignored it is so easy to fade away. To think that we don’t matter. But Yahweh is there eagerly waiting to hear us, so much so that before we cry out loudly interrupts with a “Yes?!!” How many of us even do that for others? But Yahweh does. The truth is his answer isn’t just an acknowledgment of my thought to call.
Answer (anah): To answer, respond, support, help, to stand as witness.
(Lol. My mind briefly went to the court case where I am to be a witness). Yahweh’s answer (as everything else he does) goes beyond the surface. He responds to the call. He supports us when/before we fall. He helps us. Listen, help from Yahweh supersedes that of the richest or strongest person on this earth. And if accused he stands as a witness. But not just – that he stands as a witness to the promise that he made. He will keep his promise to answer before we can even call out.
Jeremiah 33:3 (Omg. Look at that!) Call to me and I will answer you. I will tell you great and mysterious things that we do not know.
Now I love this. I do. We often think of:
Psalm 91:15 – When you call to me, I will answer you. I will be with you when you are in trouble. I will save you and honour you.
Where Yahweh promises to hear our cries for help. I am thankful for this promise because you have saved me countless times. But this text in Jeremiah, is so much more. This points to conversations with Yahweh. Where he invites me into his space. His plans. The great and mysterious things that he does that we are not usually privy to. This speaks of relationship. Him sitting with us – us with him and sharing, giving us insight to him. Sigh. You are beyond awesome. This isn’t just showing up (like a genie) when we need rescuing. This is you spending time with us, giving us a peek of who you are. Because you are great and mysterious, but you’re also great and marvellous and you desire that we know more about you. Thank you. Seriously, thank you. For being you. There is none like you.