Morning Star
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February 9, 2022


It’s Wednesday! I’m awake at two something on a Wednesday! Thank you for today. I’m alive and well and that’s because of you. How are you today? Oh. So I know that you feel what I feel, but for some reason I didn’t think it was that practical/literal. Thank you Yahweh for living life with me fully. Sharing in every moment whether it’s good, bad or indifferent. No lie, we always want everything we feel to be good, but sadly that’s not true, but thank you for being here no matter what. Thank you for loving me: for caring about what we go through. I don’t think I will ever understand how you feel everything from everyone on this earth and not go insane, but that’s definitely part of your wonder and mystery. And I don’t need to understand it but I am so thankful for it. 

Today is yours. Thank you for your provision for today. Thank you for your strength for today. Thank you for the many ways that you have shown that we can trust you and that you desire what is best for us.

Thank you for pruning me. No lie, it’s not a fun process ehhhh, but I do know that it is necessary and it’s not your desire to hurt but to nurture and to help me grow. Thank you for being an awesome God. 

Random confession: I feel hungry! Like hungry, hungry for food! Why at this hour?!

Feel: be aware (of a person or object) through touching or vein touched. Experience (an emotion or sensation).

Can you feel us without touching us? Without coming close to me? It’s so easy to picture you sitting on your throne getting at us. Smiling (or frowning) at us, but you are also close enough to touch me and feel what I am going to do at any given moment. Thank you for drawing near. 

Psalm 34:18 – The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit. 

I realised in the moments when I can’t find anything to support the idea being expressed, it’s because I’ve been thinking too small. 

But we (by we I mean me), often see things from such a limited perspective. When we speak about how Yahweh feels it is the essence of scripture. The entire Bible is his example of what he feels for us and for us and for us to include all scripture here would be impossible. But this does sum it up. 

Hebrews 4: 13 + 15 – No creature can hide from God. Everything is uncovered and exposed for him to see. We must answer to him. We have a high priest who is able to sympathise with our weaknesses. He was tempted in every way that we are, but he didn’t sin. 

It’s more than just Yahweh feeling what we’re going through, but he goes through everything with us, while we are going through it (the good, the bad and the ugly). 

Thank you for feeling what we feel. Except tired. You don’t fall asleep in the middle (or anywhere) in your dealings. Thank you for feeling everything. And honestly it seems that Wednesday is definitely my rest day yes, but I have to get up (shameface, I had fallen asleep before). Thank you for who you are.  


He Feels With Us
He Feels With Us

I’ve got to say thank you. While I don’t mind transporting my brother to and from work, yesterday there was so much talking on the way to work that it was my intent this morning to ask if discussions could be tabled until later. But guess what? He didn’t come down with me and truthfully I needed the space this morning because my thoughts kept trying to claim space where they didn’t belong. Today for the first time in a while, my thoughts were all over. Then I went to drop off cake for Steph and she asked about Jeffers. I didn’t say much because I try not to focus about him as it is. Today probably more than any other day I need your help. How to remain focused on you. Help me to have my heart fixed on you. I know it’s not always going to be easy, though it should be because you are so good to me. Help me to do your will today, to honour you. Thank you for loving me. 

To focus on you: 

Do not become entangled in affairs that don’t fall within your purpose. 

  1. Deliver ourselves from  obsessing about what other people think. 
  2. Learn to love patience. Most people battle with the weapon of patience. We are always in a hurry, but we have to take the time to develop your strategy. I need to also be patient with myself, not everyday will be a mountain top experience and my thoughts would be perfect. But that’s not life at all. Help me to always remember that.
  3. Keep the mission and the steps in the forefront always.

Sometimes you have to take drastic steps to remove distractions. It may seem callous to those looking on, but you need to maintain focus on what Yahweh says. 

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