Morning Star
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March 4, 2022


Thank you Yahweh, for waking me up this morning. I absolutely love how you work.  I know you always change your methods, but you use what is around me to encourage and guide. 

As I got up this morning, I said, I will not be ashamed to give thanks. To say thank you, because of who you are. Because of what you’ve done. I will not be ashamed to keep saying thank you! Thank you. And then I opened the Bible app and this is what greets me.

Colossians 4:2 – Keep praying. Pay attention when you offer prayers of Thanksgiving. 

The King James Version puts it this way: 

Continue in prayer, and watch in the same with Thanksgiving. 

Sometimes I may want to feel I am saying Thank you too much. But you gave your life for mine. You gave your life. And you continue to do so much. You wake me up every day. You provide. You stay close. You are a friend, you are my father. You rule with honesty. Thank you. You’re going to have to get tired of me saying thank you before I stop and since you never get tired (smile), I won’t stop!! Thank you Yahweh. Thank you for everything. Hallelujah! Your mercy is unbelievable, but I am choosing to believe it. You kept me alive. Not what I did, but what you did. It’s so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that because someone didn’t end up in jail or on the streets on drugs etc that we don’t need your mercy. But we all sin – just differently. Yes some may appear more destructive than others but looks are deceiving. Thank you for not going based on looks and thank you for choosing to save all of us, no matter what we did. Thank you for loving me, thank you for holding me. Thank you for teaching me. 

“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing” – Martin Luther

Just read a devotional that echoes something I’ve discovered. It’s easy to discount the ways that Yahweh speaks to us because we want that burning bush experience. But many times he answers in smaller but no less effective ways like the right song on the radio (lol, or YouTube). When I started expecting Yahweh to speak with me, I saw him speaking everywhere. When I started seeking him out, he responded in everything. And I may not have had a burning bush experience because hello, Yahweh is too awesome to do things exactly the same way twice. But I have had a rainbow experience, and I am thankful for the many ways you speak. For your reassurance and comforting times of thought. For your love all the time! Hallelujah!

What happens when we give you thanks? There’s so much that happens. To us. In us. It changes us. It aligns our spirits to Yahweh’s. It creates a synergy between us that even in times of frustration and stress, it can provide relief. It reminds us that our g6od, my God, is not too big to care for us. It also reminds us that he is big enough to help. 

John 16:33 – I’ve told you this so that my peace will be with you. In the world you have trouble. But cheer up! I have overcome the world. 

This isn’t conditional on us asking. There isn’t anything for us to do, except believe. And the belief is for our benefit so that we can have peace. He has overcome. He has won the victory. Hallelujah! Thank you for this promise already fulfilled. You have overcome. Not will. Not, you’re thinking about it. You have. No doubt! Thank you for your victory through which I also have victory. You are amazing, you know. So amazing. 

1 John 5:5 – Who wins the victory over the world? Isn’t it the person who believed that Jesus is the son of God?

I don’t care what no one wants to say, but belief is a catalyst for change, for love, for you. Nothing you do would have a positive effect on us unless we believe. I have to believe that you are who you say you are, and in that belief there is victory. We know that you have overcome the world (whether we believe it or not, you have). But when I believe, it becomes personal and it allows Yahweh to work in my life, so that in me there is victory over sin. In me there is victory over  anxiety, depression, anger, insecurities. The belief allows you to come in and overcome: you turn things around. You’ve won the victory. So how can I not say thank you? How can I not praise you? I have to, because your victory is eternal and so my thanks will have to be. Not out of obligation but because I know what you have saved me from. 

Thank you. I am here today because of you. You shook me so hard, you gave me whiplash. But you did it because you didn’t want to lose me – and you healed that too. Thank you. I am beyond grateful. 

I love you.

I am alive because of you.


He Always Wins by Anthony Brown

Thank you for your victory. You have already won it. Today is yours, has always been. And so I give my concerns about today to you. I’m trying to pinpoint what I am feeling about the intended proceedings and I think the best word or combination of words is “prepared for a fight.” But also hoping that there isn’t one. But I am confident in this: You will speak on our behalf. Thank you for that promise. Let my words be yours. This is my prayer in your name. 

I’m not sure how I feel. One of the defendants had no attorney due to issues within her family and asked for another date. It was granted. I’m glad she got the reprieve. I also truly wanted this to be over. 


Of Yahweh’s Promises Playlist


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