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June 6, 2022


So something happened that weirded me out a bit. Now I am 100% an Instagram newbie (still in shock over my dad), but an account (?) contacted me today to use their platform to promote the page etc. I have no problems with that. Problem was the hard sell. I know folks use IG for business, but if you message me and five minutes later want me to buy or use your services without even giving me time to think about it – that’s a problem. I mean Yahweh does not rush into anything and when someone rushing me to make a decision (seriously not even five minutes proper!) it raises every wary bone in my body (and I have a lot) and I will take ten steps back. Maybe even a hundred. Yes, Yahweh uses speed, but he is not rushing you like that. I can guarantee on the day that a quick decision is required, prep work would have been done in advance to get ready for the decision. 

Annndddd, it’s absolutely funny (good funny), how much coming together Yahweh has planned for this month. Pray that I am able to balance it all. Got a message today – our division is having a football lime. Our division has not organised anything like that in several years and now they have decided to. Yep, totally all for me. Rofl. 


  1. My knee hurting like crazy. Guess I was on my feet for so long yesterday, I’m feeling it today. But I am thankful.
  2. No beach Mondays.
  3. A very persistent salesperson.
  4. The day to rest.
  5. Psalm 34-41

Thank you for today. Tomorrow I am back out to work (kinda). Officially not back until Wednesday, but attending a program for the Department tomorrow. I think I’m going to bed early (ish) tonight. Love you! 

Speak Life

So I just watched a movie (yayyy me!) and I wondered if maybe Russia behaves the way they do because no one speaks life into them. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a movie or read a book that painted Russia in a good light.  Maybe Russia has finally decided to fully embrace what folks have been saying about them for decades. Maybe we should choose our words much more carefully and speak Life and not Death. Make a movie or ten with Russia as a good guy! That would be epic! Just saying. 

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