Morning Star
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February 22, 2022


Good morning Yahweh. How are you today? Happy, happy, happy, more than happy. Thank you for another day, for your mercy and your love. Thank you for the million and one things that you do for us that we don’t even see much less comprehend, but because of what you do we are alive. Thank you. Thank you for helping me to resist temptation. Thank you for making a way. Thank you for your forgiveness towards me, for restoration and cleansing, by your grace.

What are my priorities?

  1. To prepare my heart: Why is preparation constant/continual? Because you are always planting new seed and the soil needs to be ready for that seed.
  2. To spend time with you: The currency of a life lived with you is time. The payout is out of this world. To many it may seem like a waste. And so often we may be tempted to think it is a waste. Don’t fall for that temptation. The funny thing is, to not fall for that temptation, requires spending the time with you. Self-fulfilling prophecy: investment so to speak. The less time spent, the more we think it’s a waste. The more time, the more valuable we think it is.
  3. To grow/stretch my faith: Faith grows by choosing to believe. It’s a small step that propels me further than I would think. It opens my eyes to whatever is happening. I see his guidance everywhere, whereas previously I would have missed it. Recently I was shown where all the resources to build wouldn’t be provided all at once, but will come through as needed. The funny thing is, I still don’t know how even those resources would come in, but what am I supposed to do? Have faith. Not blind optimism. Faith. Which requires me stepping out when he says to. And the truth is? Right now I am still in the groundwork phase of so many (LOL many? Maybe not many but) things that he has asked me to do. But preparation is key. Jesus took thirty years to prepare for three years in public ministry. The truth is preparation is the foundation of manifestation and cannot be skipped or rushed. In this process, patience is key. It doesn’t mean that I will drag my feet in it, but that I will trust each step to Yahweh’s leading and timing.

Yahweh thank you for building me. You take your time to lay groundwork, when we want to run ahead to the decoration. But that decoration would be useless if the foundation falls apart. I will trust you Yahweh. If the priorities of my heart are wrong, nothing that I do will be acceptable to you.

No lie, I am excited about your promises, but I don’t want that to be my focus. My focus is on you: what you desire. Thank you for moving in my life, thank you for your love and the kindness that you show over me. I pray for the parents. That each day they would choose you. Lol. It’s funny that I tend to pray for them as a unit, but I do. They go together like bread and cheese. I pray that their life would be a blessing to all they come in contact with.

One Bad Apple

It’s always been puzzling to me why it’s easy for one bad apple to spoil the bunch. I understand it’s the nature of things.

Haggai 2:12, 13 – Suppose a person carried meat set aside for a holy purpose and he folds it up in his clothes. If his clothes touch bread, boiled food, wine, oil or any kind of food, does that make the food holy? The priests answer no. Haggai asked, “Suppose a person becomes unclean by touching a corpse. If he touches any of these things, does that make them unclean?” The priests answered, that makes them unclean. 

There is nothing naturally holy except you and all that is dedicated to you. Our earth/us is naturally inclined to decay since the fall and so without that contact/communion/dedication to you it would all decay.

The meat would have been made holy because it was dedicated to you. But nothing else was. It is that connection that makes something holy and for the next person to also be holy it has to be connected to you. Not to something or someone else – you. You are the vine. If we cut ourselves off, then we do what we are naturally inclined to do – decay. You can’t become Holy by touching me, even though I may be connected to God. You have to connect directly to him. But it is possible that by coming closer to me, you can hopefully gain a better understanding of how Yahweh works in our lives and reach for that connection yourself. The absolutely amazing thing is? It’s only one small step – one turn to get to him, no matter how far you believe you are. It took the simple act of the people of Israel getting their priorities right for Yahweh to bless them.

Haggai 2:19 – Is there any seed left in the barn? To vine, the fig tree, the pomegranate and the olive tree still haven’t produced. But from now on I will bless you. 

You can’t tell me that Yahweh isn’t good. He didn’t even wait for the preparation to take place before he chose to bless. He just needed them to trust him. To make him their priority, to make that choice.

Yahweh, you are a blessing unto yourself. I will choose you. A continual act of choosing you. Help me to always have you and what you desire of me as my priority. Not my will but yours be done. Thank you for today. I pray that as I go through today that you have placed before me would be accomplished according to your will. Thank you for your love. I love you.

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