The words "Stand Still" written in white on a purple background
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January 29, 2023


7:29 pm : by the side of the road in my car.

So why is it we trust a GPS that gives us limited directions but we struggle to trust God? We put in a final destination and when it says turn left, we turn. We don’t even verify if it’s going in the right direction. But Yahweh says to turn right and we ask him if he’s sure. We question every step and he (of all “people”) knows exactly how to get there. Funny thing for me. I don’t like using GPS because they’ve given me so many wrong directions, but I have to choose to trust when Yahweh says turn left, even though in front looks like the deepest most disgusting swamp, that he knows what he is doing.


4:00 pm : in my room, retightening my hair

Thank you for today. For your goodness. You are better than a GPS and I will trust you. I don’t know truly what the future holds but I will turn when and where you say. This is my prayer. Amen.


12:50 am : just finished retightening my hair

I went to a meeting this evening. Are my expectations too high? Is it too much to expect honesty? Or maybe they are being honest to who they are. I am not duplicitous. I don’t do one thing and say another. I don’t know how to feel about attending another board meeting. It’s depressing. I will do my duty as best as possible. I don’t know who will lead the youth ministry but I do know it’s not supposed to be me. Would be nice to know who though. But I guess I don’t need to know now or you have said something.

I’m going to bed now, but I am thankful for all that you’ve done. I am thankful for who you are.


What else am I thankful for today? 

  1. A million little miracles and big ones too.
  2. Recognising when others are dishonest.
  3. My hair is good to go for another six weeks. Yayyy!!


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