January 13, 2022
Deuteronomy 30:9 – The Lord your God will give you many blessings in everything you do. You will have many children. Your animals will have many offspring. Your soil will produce many crops. The Lord will again delight in making you as prosperous as he made your ancestors.Â
Psalm 35:27 – Let those who are happy when I am declared innocent joyfully sing and rejoice. Let them continuously say, “The Lord is great. He is happy when his servant has peace.”
Sigh. I think we do you the biggest disservice. Probably because we are taught more about trials and glorying in trials than in the true joys of you. You delight in us.
Matt 7:9-11 – If your child asks you for bread, would any of you give him a stone? Or if your child asks for a fish, would you give him a snake? Even though you’re evil, you know how to give good gifts to your children. So how much more will your father in heaven give good things to those who ask him?
Double sigh. You are a good father and I’m sorry for how I’ve perceived you. It may not have been fully consciously, but so often I’ve been taught not to ask for help, (damn, my insecurities raised their ugly head again there). But the truth is, I rarely ask you for help because I feel guilty doing so. Spiritual help, yes, that I ask for. But I rarely ask for physical help because I feel guilty…I should be better than this. But the truth is, I need help now. That’s not a demand. It’s a statement of fact. I have $69 in one account and the amount to cover a loan in another. I have no idea how I’m putting gas in the car for the next three weeks. Absolutely no idea. And the truth is, I need your help. I can’t even begin to figure out a way to get gas and the truth is, it’s been worrying me though I’ve been trying not to think about it. You’re not a genie where we wish and you respond, but you do say to ask. Yahweh, I need help. For gas, for the air conditioning. I need your help. I don’t know what to do.
Thank you for your promises. Thank you for wanting the best for us. Thank you for answered prayer. And for the reminder that you love us and you delight in giving good gifts. You are an awesome God, and I praise you for who you are. I honour you for what you have done and continue to do. Thank you for your consistency in how you show up. But I am excited and will probably be as giddy as a kid. Thank you for not leaving me nor forsaking me.
OBSERVATION: Even with the two something wake up call, I’m sleeping better. Or maybe because of the two something wake up call?