January 4, 2022
Yahweh, you are a God of community. having particular characteristics in common. You live in community and desire the same for us. I lift up this local community before you. The only thing we probably have in common is our village name, but you’ve put us all here. I pray that we will choose you. to be a support to each other. Yahweh, I do pray that this lane community would be able to live in harmony with you and with each other: to help and provide. Right now it’s almost as if we are all hiding, but I am thankful that miracles still happen and I pray that as a community we can come under your banner.
I pray for individuals also, that we all find our spiritual community. It’s one thing to have a place to lay your head, but it’s a blessing for a place where your soul is at rest and we are able to confess and lift each other up in prayer. Help us to grow and honour you in all that we do.
Galatians 6:2 – Help carry each other’s burdens. In this way you will follow Christ’s teachings.
You have called us to carry each other’s burdens. Help us, show us how to be that help. To lighten another’s load. A community can be tainted by one but it can also be restored by one. Dwell in this community. Let our lives draw others to you. I am thankful for the quiet moments lately from the neighbour. I confess that I still move in fear that at any moment he will start up. But I want to move outside of this and to keep on trusting you. To know that whatever happens you are in control. Thank you for healing. This community.
The unvarnished truth. I don’t know how people would respond. There is a part of me that would love to see the numbers with a lot of people attending this programme today. But I understand that it was never about the numbers. It’s about the heart. Tune my heart to yours. Each leader and officer, may we be in sync with you. To do your will.
SIDEBAR: So why not the lottery? Why is gambling not for Christians? Was kinda wondering also about casting lots, but the recognition that casting lots is asking Yahweh for direction, but gambling is “preparing a table for the god of good fortune and offering cups of wine to the goddess of destiny.” Isaiah 65:11
[I am not going to treat you according to the way I was treated by you. But I also have to have boundaries]
To abide in God’s love means choosing to honour him no matter the situation.
Yahweh I need help with my finances. The hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper and it feels like I can’t get out. At times I think about the debt I am paying for Alex and I get upset and discouraged because it seems to never go away and it honestly triggers resentment in me when I see him spending while I’m pinching. But I truly don’t want to live like this. Paycheck to paycheck. Resentment. I need your help. Your guidance on how to move forward and how to reduce the existing debt. I’ve said it before I don’t want to take a loan to build the house, though that thought keeps popping up lately. I don’t know what to do – so I will wait on you.
I am thankful for your promises. Help me to truly let go of what I cannot change. I committed to paying off the debt. I pray for your strength to do what needs to be done. Thank you for who you are. I love you Yahweh.
- For Yahweh’s revelation for healing
- The trainer said he’s seeing the difference
- For new clothes that mostly fit.
- For Yahweh working on my heart
- A quiet neighbour and the one who played his music the way he used to.
Yahweh I pray for mom. I know the neighbour’s attitude truly bothers her. It still bothers me. But his attitude is out of our hands. But ours are in yours. Calm her spirit in you, so that she will rest assured that no matter what weapon is formed against us it won’t prosper. Hallelujah!! Thank you for that reminder. Thank you for your promises. No weapon though formed, will prosper.