October 8, 2022
Yahweh, is it just me or do the days seem to not have enough hours in them to do everything and still sleep? Just wondering. I am thankful for the time that you have given me. Help me to use it wisely. Help me to be able to account for the time. Not that I think or believe that I must always be “working” but that everything that I do will be what should be done at the right time. You are the God of time. You created time and you live outside of time. It has no control over you the way it can dictate our movements. You are the God of the appointed time. You know when everything is supposed to happen and you move everything in motion to come to pass at the time that you desire.
Yahweh, I have a fascination with times and seasons. Not in the manner of predicting when things happen, but in the way that we see numbers and times and seasons having significance and (trying to) understand how some of these seasons come about. I don’t think I’m explaining myself properly. But I do know that you understand and I am grateful for that.
Yahweh, I am grateful for the times you have chosen for my life. The things that I believed should have happened when I thought they should have, but then you have a much better plan than mine and while I may not always understand it, I do know that you do and it will be at its appointed time.
Yahweh, I bring before you the time that you laid on my heart. This year has been such a pivotal year in my life and it’s not over yet. There are some things that I truly believe you said would happen this year. The tiny house with the big deck. Yahweh, I bring its time before you. It’s October and nothing is out of time for you. I pray that in its time it will be accomplished. That nothing that I do would block your timing. Yahweh, cleanse me and fulfil your promises. There is no word that will come back to you empty without producing what you desire for it to do. Yahweh, your words are more than acceptable to me. Your words are life itself to me. It is living water that flows and waters everything. Water that flows through me to accomplish your will.
Thank you for your time and I am here in your time.
Yahweh, I pray for Cap. I pray for your spirit to fill him, to rest on him. To find peace in life and to navigate according to what you desire of him. I know that he feels “doomed” to live with the consequences of his choices, but you aren’t just the God of time, you are the Redeemer of time. You can and will restore the years that the locusts stole. You can and will restore the family altar. Help him to truly surrender his life, his heart to you and I pray that the family follows. I won’t give up on them. On praying for them unless you say as you did for Saul. I pray for the boys. That they will choose you. That they would condemn and walk away from the spirit of selfishness and deceit that seems to reign in their lives. I pray that they will stand against it and stand restored before you. Pray for the spirit of pride to be destroyed. That it be loosed from their hearts and bound in hell where it belongs. I pray for a renewed heart and mind. That they all choose you.
Protect Cap. Place a hedge around him and may your favour be as a shield around him. Let your love surround him and deliver him from all evil spirits. Let these words be yours. What is imprisoned here, you will imprison. What we set free, you will set free. Yahweh, I declare that he is free from all corruption in his spirit. Let his mind be in you. Loose him from all that is not of you and let your Holy Spirit flow through him and cleanse him and restore him. Thank you Yahweh for who you are. You are mighty. You are the strong tower. You are most beautiful. The great I am. The King of kings. There is none like you. Thank you for seeing us as we are. Thank you for loving us as we are, but most of all, thank you for not leaving us as we are. Thank you for taking us from strength to strength. In you. I love you.
Psalm 84:4-7 –
Blessed are those who live in your house.
They are always praising you. Selah5 Blessed are those who find strength in you.
Their hearts are on the road that leads to you.
6 As they pass through a valley where balsam trees grow,
they make it a place of springs.
The early rains cover it with blessings.
7 Their strength grows as they go along
until each one of them appears
in front of God in Zion.
Our strength is in you. When we live in your house through our pain, we find strength. Thank you for your strength. Your rain. Your covering. Your words. Amen.