September 24, 2022
When I come into his presence,
I humble myself.
I lift up both my hands
And I begin to worship him,
I worship him.
You are God. Thank you for being God. Thank you for being a good God. A true God. A loving God. A God who desires the best for us. A God who hears and answers us. Yahweh, thank you.
Thank you for waking me up this morning. Yahweh, it’s early day still, but the sad truth is that from the time we wake up, we sin. Forgive me Yahweh, for every thought, every word that is not of you. Cleanse me and cover me. Thank you for your grace in my life. Thank you for your unconditional love for us. I don’t know how you do it, but I am grateful that you do. Thank you for surrounding us.
Today Yahweh is yours. I pray that our hearts will be one of worship to you. Glorify and magnify your name. With everything that is in us because you are worthy of all praise. All honour. All glory.
Thank you for who you are. I love you.
Psalm 34:1-5 – I will thank the Lord at all times. My mouth will always praise him. My soul will boast about the Lord. Those who are oppressed will hear it and rejoice. Praise the Lord’s greatness with me. Let us highly honor his name together. I went to the Lord for help. He answered me and rescued me from all my fears. All who look to him will be radiant. Their faces will never be covered with shame.
I believe that you desire us to show our humanity. You desire us to be like you. To have your spirit in us and upon us. But in order for that to truly happen, we have to show who we truly are. Not just to you but to others. We are not perfect, but we are covered by your blood. Your blood is what saves. Not us. And I kinda lost the overall thought, but it amounts to this: the more honest we are about who we are and the mistakes we make. The more open we are about what we do and how we live, the more you are able to work in us. The more you are able to transform us. Yahweh, I pray for a community where we can be honest and open about where we are. Not for show or for shame, but for your glory. So that others can truly see the redeeming power of you. But if we never show what we have been/are being saved from, how can others know that you can save?
If all they see are “perfect” people who have never done anything wrong, then they are afraid to come because they aren’t perfect. They know their sins. But they don’t know ours. I pray that we are able to share our sins and then share how you saved us, are saving us. Because you are mighty to save.
The Promises of Yahweh
Yesss!!! I honestly remember that moment (well, not the exact date and time) when I realised that if Yahweh has given a promise and it hasn’t come to pass, and you are living in what Yahweh has said, then you will live until the promise is accomplished. It makes you more willing to step out in faith. Knowing that you have to make it through in order to fulfil the promise on your life! And then I just heard the sentiments echoed by the preacher. Yesss!!!
Matthew 5:45 – In this way you show that you are children of your Father in heaven. He makes his sun rise on people whether they are good or evil. He lets rain fall on them whether they are just or unjust.
So I have always thought of this scripture from one perspective: that the unjust get blessed too. That they get provided for too. And they do. But I just (lol) realised something else. They experience the pain that Christians go through also. We all experience the sun and the rain. The difference though is that the just serve a God who is with them in both sun and rain. Who hears their cry and protects them because they are his.
I think this a morning of epiphanies. Sorta. When Yahweh said he would be glorified, I was expecting huge miracles and (yes, Imma be honest), financial blessings. I would be able to give to others and bless them. But the truth is, that’s not usually how Yahweh is glorified. It’s in the low moments. Or what we consider low. Jesus died the most undignified death and God was glorified in that moment. He was lifted up. But I thought in me being lifted up Yahweh would be glorified. But he said no: it’s in these low moments when you still hold on to me. It’s in these days that seem uncertain but you still trust me. It’s in these times, I am glorified. And I didn’t see that until now. Yahweh, thank you for using me for your glory. So that you can be seen.
Thank you for loving me so much that you lowered me so that you would be glorified. There isn’t glory after this (still love the song though). There is glory in this!! Hallelujah!!