Morning Star
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September 5, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh. I am late. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you for waking me up. For your grace and mercy and your faithfulness that is new every morning. Thank you for your blessings, goodness and mercy. Thank you for your peace that comes only from you. Thank you for the opportunity to rst in you, in your love.

Yahweh, search my heart. You are able to see a million times more than I can. There are parts of me that aren’t up to scratch. There are thoughts and habits that are not of you. Yahweh, I pray for your grace to cover them and to change and to grow into who you desire me to be. I am yours Yahweh. There is so much that I desire to do for you. Big and Small. Seen and unseen.

Many times I run from the seen, but Yahweh I surrender to your will. Whatever you desire me to do, to reach others. To show your love. To honour you, I will do. It will be my privilege to do for you. Many times I think that you have given me big dreams and I don’t always know where to start. But as a song says: “You’ve got to begin at the beginning.” And you are the beginning. You are also the ending. It is in you Yahweh that I live and move and have my being. Yahweh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. For breaking the dam. For removing obstacles. It is to you I give the glory, who else can I give it to? No one else deserves it. No one else even comes close to you. You are my God and my King and I will worship you.

Psalm 139:14-18 –

If I go up to heaven, you are there. If I make my bed in hell, you are there.
If I climb upward on the rays of the morning sun or land on the most distant shore of the sea where the sun sets,
10 even there your hand would guide me and your right hand would hold on to me.
11 If I say, “Let the darkness hide me and let the light around me turn into night,”
12 even the darkness is not too dark for you. Night is as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same to you.

13 You alone created my inner being. You knitted me together inside my mother.
14 I will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made.
Your works are miraculous, and my soul is fully aware of this.


Not just your works Yahweh. You are my miracle. You are beyond thought. Beyond imagination. And even with that you still love me. You created me. You are most beautiful.

Verse 15-16 –

My bones were not hidden from you
when I was being made in secret,
when I was being skillfully woven in an underground workshop.
16 Your eyes saw me when I was still an unborn child.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book
before one of them had taken place.

Nothing is hidden from you. You were there when the earth was formed. You know every aspect of every life that would ever exist on this earth. From the lowest and to the highest king. You knew us and made us and set our lives in place to bring you glory. Yahweh, my life is yours. My will is yours. Every testimony is to glorify you. To show forth your loving kindness because you are good. Good is barely good enough to describe you. You are amazing. Marvellous. Without measure and I love you.

Verse 17 –

How precious are your thoughts concerning me, O God!
How vast in number they are!

I can’t even begin to imagine and your thoughts are beyond that. You are my God. You are my King. I love you Yahweh. With all that I am. I honour you with every fibre of my being. I glorify you with everything that you have given me. All that I am, I have is yours.

Psalm 139:23 – Examine me, O God, and know my mind. Test me, and know my thoughts.


There is no one else like you. Thank you Yahweh – my Father, my Brother, my Spirit. My friend, my mentor. There is no one else like you. Fill me till I overflow and touch every life for you. No one untouched Yahweh. Whether it’s a smile. Whether it’s a word. Whether it’s finances, whether it’s help. No one untouched.

This community, Yahweh. Help me  to reach them for you. Each heart is yours. To honour you. Take back what the enemy stole from us. Territory that is yours. It all belongs to you. We reclaim it in your name. The leaders, Yahweh. Their hearts and minds to be yours. Not just for a moment but for eternity. Yahweh I surrender all to you.

Break the dam! Thank you for working in me. Thank you for breaking the dam in my life. Thank you for your mercies. Break the dam over this community. Baptise us in your blood and spirit. Renew your covenant. You are great. Every thing that was stolen. Hearts and minds. Bodies and soul. Take them back in the mighty and powerful, unmatched name of Jesus. Amen. Amen.

Thank you Yahweh for breaking every dam. Breaking every chain. Moving every mountain. Thank you!!

God deserves the Glory written in green and pink

You Deserve the Glory – Juanita Bynam


Yahweh. Today I am your proof.

Proof of your power.

Proof of your glory.

Proof of your might.

Proof of your miracles.

I am your proof!!


We are not supposed to be living in the overflow. We are to live in the flow!! After the vision of the dam breaking yesterday, I watched a video of a dam breaking. It was a powerful reminder of several things:

  1. Dams (most) are not natural. They are designed to block something. Prevent something from flowing freely.
  2. Most of us have had dams in our lives. Our spiritual life. The Holy  Spirit is blocked by our dams.
  3. We are not supposed to be living in the overflow. Dams have an overflow. It’s the water that spills over when there has been a lot of rainfall. And for many years we’ve been living in the “overflow.” The excess that flows over the dam. We write poems about it. We sing songs about it, but Yahweh doesn’t want us living in the overflow. He wants us to live in the flow.

When the dam is broken, all that was held back is flowing freely in our lives. We can swim, do backflips. It carries us along. All coming from the source of life. The source of the flow. We are to live in the flow!

And guess what? You can’t waste this flow. You can’t exhaust this flow. You can give to everybody and still have an abundance. We are not living in the overflow. We are living in the flow!

And there’s a sobering thought. When dams break there is destruction. Things in its wake are washed away. People die in the onslaught. But here’s the thing – there are things in our lives that need to die. Things that need to be washed away and the flow of the Holy Spirit will do that. Let’s not build any more dams in our lives.

Yahweh, I am thankful for the gifts that you have given me to be used for your glory. All of it for your glory.

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