time with Yahweh during the day
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March 16, 2022


A gilded prison is still a prison (too often we get caught thinking that a prison would look and feel drab and dreary. It’s so not true).

You know I would love to say that today is an awesome day. It’s not a bad day mind you, but definitely a day that I have to choose to focus on Yahweh. I have to choose to focus on his promises. Choose to focus on what I have to do. Choose to be consistent. I don’t even feel inclined to go to the gym and I like going to the gym. Today, I will choose you, Yahweh. I pray for your strength and Grace for today. I pray that no matter what I feel like in a moment that I would choose to honour you and live for you. Today. 

So I realised that for the past weeks I have not been able to truly just come away and take the time. Yes, I am being intentional with Yahweh, but haven’t been with myself. So I will this evening and maybe part of tomorrow too: it is so easy to get caught up, not taking the time and recognizing that not doing that caused a domino effect on my emotions. Thank you for the reminder. I pray that I don’t forget. The truth is, I’ve been feeling the tugging for a couple weeks now, but something always “came up.” It’s also probably why my thoughts were so morose this morning, because this short(ish) time this afternoon made the world of difference. The awesome thing was just sitting. Sigh. Not the right words, but not having to rush to do something was so freeing: whether it’s work, church, home, gym. All good things – and that’s the trappy part. We can get caught up even in the good things, and we lose sight of the God things. 

For me this year: 

  1. Time with Yahweh
  2. Time with myself

And it’s so funny, I know this. He said it’s what I need to do, but I need to have the balance. And it sounds weird to say that, but it’s the truth. Focusing so much on one aspect that I forget what else I am supposed to do. Thank you, Yahweh, thank you. 

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