Morning Star
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May 18, 2022


Good Morning Yahweh. Thank you for life. Thank you for a new day. A day to stand with you and a day to celebrate my uniqueness. A day that you have called me to follow you the way that you have called me too. Do not be intimidated by what someone else has to do or what someone else has to say.

You have made us all. For a purpose. And we need to work in that purpose. It’s too easy to get caught up in things of this world. Why is that? Why do we find ourselves wanting to move like everyone else? Instead of the way you created us to move? Yahweh I pray for your grace to stand in what you desire me to do. At work, home, church, wherever. Help me to truly live for you everyday. To honour you and trust you.
Thank you for being my father, my friend, my comforter and my guide. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for your promises. Reading Genesis is a comfort. You made your promise to Abraham seven times (seven times!!). Even though Abraham laughed. Even though Sarah laughed. Even though Abraham went into Hagar. Even though Abraham lied. You kept your word.

No, it’s not a license for me to just do anything. That’s not in my plans. But it is an encouragement that though I may not be perfect, though I may wonder, how you will move, I can trust that you will in your timing. And the truth is, I talk about it to remind myself during times when the vision seems so far away or dim. To remember that you gave me a vision and you will see it through.


Yahweh, I pray for this community. I pray that your influence will spread throughout. There are Christians here who everyday are trying to do what you desire of them, but every day seems like a losing battle. Help us Yahweh to stand firm in you, to still reach out to others. Not for a trophy, but that they too would know you for themselves.

Yahweh, I pray for the children in the community, that they would not be shackled by the curses of the parents. That blessings will overflow and they will rejoice in you. But even as children there would be an understanding of who you are and that you desire to be their father, mother, friend and comforter. Truthfully as I look around our community, there’s a sharp divide in the dynamics. I honestly did not see it so vividly before and I’m not sure what to do to improve on the situation. I know prayer. I won’t stop praying. But if there’s anything practical that you require me to do, please reveal. (Facepalm – prayer is practical, but you know what I mean). The only households with both father and mother are the Christian households and it’s strange that I’ve never noticed this before.

Yahweh, I pray that each household will turn to you to fill the gaps that are left by sin. That we would choose to allow you to our hearts, to our messes, into every aspect of our lives. So that you can heal and so that you can bind up every wound. So that you can restore every household to you. So that we can all rise up and call you blessed. Nothing is too hard for you. Into your hands I leave this community. Thank you for your grace in our lives even when (especially when) we mess up. Thank you for never giving up on us.

Sigh. I just remembered during Noah’s time. In the whole earth only eight were found faithful. Yahweh, I pray that there’s more now and that we will walk true. Thank you for being truth and life. Thank you for walking in your truth, giving us the courage to walk in the truth you’ve called us to. As I go out today, help me to walk the way that you have called me to. Help me to honour you and to show forth your love to everyone that I meet. In your matchless name. The name above other names. Jesus. I love you. Thank you for loving us beyond our imagination.

I am not alone.
You are in control.
I have nothing to be afraid of.
You are by my side.
I can trust you in all things
You are all things.
Thank you for who you are.

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