The words "Stand Still" written in white on a purple background
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February 1, 2023


2:16 pm : at home working on a planner


First up! I was able to print! They figured out a way to get the printer working again! Happy dance!!

Is being decisive a good thing? That’s the second question. I have no problems re-evaluating a situation. But I tend to be decisive. I will weigh the options to make a decision. But I wonder if I come across harsh at times. Because if it’s black, it’s black and I hate wasting time questioning whether it’s really black.

Today I raised a query on info we received and I called to get clarification. It resulted in a meeting being scheduled for tomorrow. But I’m getting the sense that someone feels that we should not have called. In my opinion, we need to resolve the issue, not spin top in mud. But I am also open. Am I too decisive?


7:51 pm : in my bed, really actually watching a show


The planner is finished. Huh. Just heard a statement from the show.

“Don’t waste your miracle on your pain.” It made me stop and question: what do I focus on? Everyday Yahweh is working miracles, am I wasting them on the pain in my life or focusing on the good? Help me to see the good in all that happens.

Romans 8:28 – We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God—those whom he has called according to his plan.

Focus on the good, even if it may not feel good in the moment.

I still don’t believe that Boaz pursued Ruth. I know that everyone loves the Boaz and Ruth story and love to say, “Where is my Boaz?” But someone stated that you want to pursue a promise the way Boaz pursued Ruth. Boaz knew Ruth for several months. He knew Naomi was back before Ruth showed up at his field. He knew he was a kinsman redeemer. But he didn’t do anything until Ruth basically said, “Hey, you have a duty to fulfil.” Now to his credit, he moved the same day and I’m not saying that he didn’t want to marry her, but how can it be that he pursued her when he made no move until she was at his feet?

I honestly feel like we’re looking at the story wrong, but that’s just me.


What am I thankful for today? 

  1. Demo was cancelled. Something good will come out of it.
  2. I finished the planner!!
  3. All things work together for good.
  4. The waiting season. Someone said that they know of the dry season and the wet season, but not the waiting season. So I said, it’s the season after the dry where you’re waiting for the wet.

Thank you for all things. Amen.


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