Morning Star
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July 9, 2022


Good Sabbath Morning! Confession: I barely slept last night. Seems I was excited. But I am thankful that I did eventually get some type of sleep. Thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for your love that is new every morning. Thank you for being faithful and for your grace towards us that while we were yet sinners, you died for us.

You wanted us to be a part of you and you moved heaven and earth to make it so. Thank you for who you are. Thank you for your hedge of protection around us. We don’t do anything of our own strength. You are there leading and guiding us into your truth. Today is a day of celebration, I pray that all that is said and done will bring honour and glory to you. You alone are God. You alone are the true king and you alone should be praised. You have the final say. It is in your care.

Thank you for your guidance over your people. Even when we don’t want to acknowledge it, you are moving. Even when it seems impossible, you are moving. Seal us, Yahweh, in your holy name so that everything we do will be according to your will. That we would not hesitate to trust you. To do what you ask us regardless of how strange it may seem. Help us to be faithful as you are faithful.

There are some people who are only known for being contrary. Sanballat. I will always associate this name with someone who is fighting down a good thing for no known reason. So I don’t mind being someone in the minority, but I need to be on your side. Not the one that just insists on tearing down what others have done and are doing. Yahweh, help me to truly seek your face and to do your will.

Psalm 143:10 – Teach me to do your will, because you are my God. May your good Spirit lead me on level ground.

A firm foundation built on you. This is my prayer.

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