Morning Star
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June 22, 2022



You are great, You are great.

You are great, You are great.

Everything written about you is great.


Words are truly not majestic enough to describe you, so we are limited to words such as great, majestic, incredible. But you are so much more. There is a difference between praying in the Spirit and praying in tongues. Lol. It’s not random. Thank you for this message. Not gonna lie, I think I’ve always (in a way) lumped the two together. But it is truly two different things, for different purposes. But I think sometimes folks have used them interchangeably and have hence led to the confusion, at least my confusion.

I have studied speaking in tongues, but not speaking in the spirit thinking they were the same. The Holy Spirit enables both though, or rather acts as the interpreter for both. One is to Yahweh, the other is from Yahweh. Thank you for your Holy Spirit who lives in us, who moves through us and enables us to do what you desire of us. Thank you for your grace and mercy. Thank you for your words. Everyday, all day you keep dropping words of wisdom like golden nuggets. Help me to find and cherish all of them. To understand them and to live them because I don’t want to forget my face. Though truthfully most folks don’t sit and try to remember their face, they just do. But you are asking us to remember our faces. Not our physical faces per se, but our spiritual one. You are asking us to gaze into the mirror that highlights everything about us (good and bad) and remember what it has shown needs to be developed and do that (James 1:23-27).

Yahweh, I know that at times, I am a bit forgetful (I’m working at it), but I am thankful that everyday, every time I forget something I can come back to the mirror to remember and each time it is harder to forget. Thank you for never leaving us the way that you found us. Thank you for bringing us into your fold and caring for us.

Today, Yahweh is yours. Every word, let it be carefully weighed. To uplift or correct, but never to harm. To meet others the way you met me and to guide the way you want me to guide. Help me to live for you each day. To honour you in everything. Bless me father in your spirit and in your truth. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Yahweh, I pray for Jackie. That in all things she would trust you and hold unto you even when things look weird. I pray that in all things, she would see the good that you are working for her. Help her to bind her will to yours and to honour you in all things. Thank you for your grace and favour in her life. Thank you for loving her.

Thank you for answered prayers. The knee pain is gone. Hallelujah!

Yesterday, over and over you spoke about how to fight battles. This morning I woke up to the message: This is how I fight my battles. I honestly added it to my “Fight My Battles” playlist before even listening. But as I was listening, the magnitude of what you have been building hit me (yes, I get hit a lot. Lol). Each month you add another facet, but I am not supposed to abandon what was before.

Everyday is a new beginning.

Everyday you show your love for me.

Everyday your promises strengthen me.

Everyday I am to have an attitude of prayer and fasting.

Everyday I am to read your word.

Everyday I am to come together with others – doing all the things from before.

I know that you have been building a foundation. And it’s something I remember praying about (November 25, 2021), but to actually see the foundation is humbling and awe-inspiring at the same time. Yahweh, help me to continue to grow in you. That I would allow you to finish the building (physically and spiritually). That I will allow you to fight my battles for me. Because you have already won an incredible victory.

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