Morning Star
Spread the love

July 15, 2022


Happy Friday! I am alive. Still half sleepy actually, but I suspect that would soon go until a little while. Thank you for life. For waking me up this morning and starting me on my way. Thank you for blessing me. Right now. There are truly a lot of blessings from you that we take for granted and I’m reminded of the scripture, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much” (Luke 16:10). I know we usually apply this text to our finances or our talents, but I think it also applies to our gratitude. When we can’t be thankful for the little things and genuinely thankful, not surface gratitude, can Yahweh bless us with more? Wouldn’t we feel entitled rather than grateful? And entitlement is the last emotion (well one of the last) that we want to embrace.

Though I’ll admit it’s a thin line. We are your heirs with a destiny assigned to our lives and we ought to walk that way. But not with a sense of “woe is me” or “nose in air.” Neither is of you. But we ought to walk in your authority while expressing complete gratitude for what we have received from you. I’m reminded of a lot of children who grew up in wealth, but the parents didn’t. The parents often would work hard to acquire, but often the children don’t often see the need to do the same because they’ve always had it. And unless the parents actually teach them the value of what they have, it is usually lost in a  couple generations. It is the same with us, if there is no appreciation then we can lose what we have because gratitude is a trait that Yahweh loves. Not because he needs the accolades (he doesn’t), but because without that attitude of gratitude (Lol, I was trying hard not to say it, but gave in), we lose out on so many things that he offers. And that he doesn’t want.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 – Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this.


Why do we give thanks? Well, it’s Yahweh’s will that we do and we ought to delight to do his will. We give thanks because we remember how holy he is and that in his holiness, he still wants a relationship with us.

Psalm 97:12 – Find joy in the Lord, you righteous people. Give thanks to him as you remember how holy he is.

We give thanks because of the million and two (but who’s counting?) things that he has done for us. We should not just accept what he offers and about our business like nobody’s business. He has done a lot for us. He clothes us everyday. He provides breath. He provides resources, family, talents, love, peace and an endless host of things that we can’t even begin to number. And if we did we would end up with another book of Psalm, twice as long and still incomplete. So we give thanks.

Psalm 52:9 – I will give thanks to you forever for what you have done. In the presence of your godly people, I will wait with hope in your good name.

And…but not last or least. We give thanks because you alone are God. You made everything and everything that you made is good. You are unparalleled in your majesty. You are gracious in your goodness. You are free with your love. You are incredible and deserve every ounce of our praise. Our thanks. Our gratitude.

Nehemiah 9:6 – You alone are the Lord. You made heaven, the highest heaven, with all its armies. You made the earth and everything on it,
the seas and everything in them. You give life to them all, and the armies of heaven worship you.


Let all things now living a song of thanksgiving. To God the creator triumphantly raise. Who fashioned and made us, protected and stayed us. Who guideth us onto the end of our days.



Yesterday there were two things. Planning/trying to finish typing up one of the books I use as a journal. I wasn’t able to. Was also aiming to finish Psalm. Wasn’t able to. Sigh. This morning was intending to do a small study on sanctification as the end of the “by” mini-series. And like I can’t even finish writing properly. I’ve crossed out so many words that are not words. But this morning, gratitude was just in my thoughts. That I need to be grateful. For who Yahweh is, for what he has done and honestly, I just decided to follow the trail.

And then after that I read a message that said, “when gratitude becomes an essential foundation in our lives, miracles start to appear everywhere.” But I started to wonder if there is a difference between thankfulness and gratitude.


Thankful: Conscious of benefit received, well pleased.

Thankful (Bible): Impressed with a sense of kindness received and ready to acknowledge it.


Grateful (Because gratitude is a state of being grateful): Appreciative of benefits received.

Grateful (Bible): Quality of being thankful and a readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.


So Biblically speaking, gratitude is being thankful and then showing that. A tangible form more than words I guess. Which brings me to the question: am I being grateful in my actions or am I just thankful? And is it possible for the expression of gratitude to turn into salvation by works? I was reading an article and it says that gratefulness grows over time. Thankfulness (and its actions) only last a moment. Words and actions show thankfulness: thank you for someone doing something for you etc.

Words and actions also express gratefulness, but with gratefulness it may not be the expected response. So someone did something, we say thank you and then look for a way to help someone else.

“Grateful words and actions happen because a feeling and a willingness to act occurred within you.” Jodi Schulz, Michigan State University Extension – May 16, 2018

I like that. Gratefulness elicits a response that requires something meaningful from us.


At Work

I just fell asleep at my desk. That is unusual for me.

You love me. You do. I am thankful. I am grateful. I don’t even know what to do to show my gratitude except praise you and do what you are asking me to do. And it is such a beautiful reminder that that’s what you are asking for: me to praise you (which lifts my spirit towards you) and to do what you want me to do, which draws others to know you. Each day, even if things don’t seem  right, I will remember that things are not often what they seem.

Yahweh, I pray for Vinny and Cee. I know that their hearts are sad about the child. But I know what you have promised: they don’t though and I cannot tell them. I pray that they remain encouraged in you. That they would be able to build and that truly they would say that it was you. When all else “seems” a loss, you will come through. Help us Yahweh to believe in your promises for us. To trust you. You are my God. You are our provider. You are everything we need. Thank you Yahweh.

Spread the love