February 1, 2022
Today was meeting day. Now I’m not sure why, but the excuses for why we do things were out in full force. The question was asked, why didn’t you make proper provision for your animals? Well all you have lands there wasting (we don’t but okay). Why do you believe it is okay to just go on lands that are not yours and not make proper arrangements for your animals?
According to scripture, someone with 200 heads of goats is a rich man. But in order to sustain that, you have to plan properly. His goats roaming the road and getting knocked down and killed. Something as simple as: “Sir/Ma’am, you have some vacant lands there. Can I pasture my goats and in exchange you get a goat a month?” Especially since you’re losing 7-10 goats per month to accidents. I wish you would take great responsibility for our actions or lack thereof.
Yahweh, I pray for your wisdom to do what is right, to improve and to choose the correct path. I pray especially for this department, strengthening us in you so that we can keep working to the best of our abilities. Thank you for who you are.
Sigh. I think I need a nap time. Yeah I said it. I need a nap, I am feeling so tired.
And apparently folks are being told to talk to me about their land issues, though it’s a bit scary when I get messages and calls on my private number.
Seed Stage
The seed stage is probably the most frustrating stage for someone who is used to always “doing”. But the truth is, it is the most necessary stage. A stage where you are to stay still, to allow yourself to be grounded in Christ. A stage that includes the preparation of the soil, because if planted in the wrong soil, it would wither and die during the sprouting stage or anytime after.
So what I have to accept is that during this stage there is nothing for others to see. And that’s okay. Our culture has gotten so focused on “show” that the early stages are ignored or even made fun of. But Yahweh knows what the seed is for and he’s preparing everything needed for it to thrive.
Faith is NOT blind optimism. Faith has everything to do with believing in what Yahweh has said and doing what he has asked. If you say you trust God and he asks you to save two dollars a week and instead you’re like, “Nah I won’t save that. God will work it out.” That is blind optimism and it will lead you off a cliff but if you start saving the $2 even though you don’t know why, that is faith.