Morning Star
Spread the love

November 3, 2022



Through his eyes of love. 

See yourself the way he does.

Through his eyes of love.

You’re perfect through his eyes of love.


You love me! I love you too. Your love is perfect and I am so honoured and thankful for your love. For who you are to me.

1 John 4:18 – No fear exists where his love is. Rather, perfect love gets rid of fear, because fear involves punishment. The person who lives in fear doesn’t have perfect love.


The person who lives in fear.

Fear of not being good enough.

Fear of rejection.

Fear of failing.

Fear that this time when they mess up that Yahweh wouldn’t really forgive.

Fear of being left alone.

Fear that we wouldn’t accomplish what we’re supposed to do.

Fear that we heard wrong.



Fear : phóbos : to flee, withdraw (withdrawing from God), panic flight.

The perfect love of Yahweh, draws us to him and does not cause us to run away. Which is probably why the next verse says:

1 John 4:19 – We love because God loved us first.


Our response naturally now is to fear and not love. But once we recognize the love of God, our response becomes to love. To love Yahweh, to love ourselves, to love others. Our response to things changes because of who Yahweh is to us. Not just who he is (because that never changes), but who he is to us. If we believe that Yahweh is good and just and who he says he is, that allows us to love. But if we see him as a tyrant and overbearing, then we are afraid of him. But that heart knowledge of who Yahweh is changes our perspective.


Show us how to love in the true meaning of the word. 

Teach me to sacrifice expecting nothing in return.

I want to give my life away, becoming more like you each and every day.

My words are not enough.

Please show me how to love.

My words are not enough


Yahweh, this truly struck a chord. I do love words, but even though you inspired the writing of the Bible, even though you became the Word, your words are also put into action. You who could actually speak worlds to life, chose to show your love.

We are made in your image, which means we must also show your love in all that we do.

Yahweh, confession: Despite my words, there is a part of me that feels that being a deaconess is “beneath” me. It’s not the right word, but I think you know what I mean. I actually see (truly) a divide in our church. The “intellectuals” are chosen as Elders and Sabbath School Superintendents and AY Leaders. The not so “intellectuals” are chosen as Deacons etc. But the truth is, it should not be that way. We ought to show our love in every way. We ought to be willing to sacrifice our pride, our intellect, our preconceived ideas to show our love.

Yahweh, help me to remain humble in you. Not thinking less of myself or too much of myself, but to see myself the way you see me. Perfect. Loved. And to show that love. I will accept the position. It’s different from what I would even consider usually. But it is an opportunity to show love differently.

Thank you Yahweh for your love and grace to me. Help me to show your love in all the ways that you’ve called me to show it. Thank you Yahweh for the many ways that you have shown you love to us. I love you.

Yahweh, I pray for financial breakthrough. For the grace to do what is right with your resources. To not always feel like I’m falling behind. Yahweh, show me how to love even in the area of finance.

Philippians 4:19 –  My God will richly fill your every need in a glorious way through Christ Jesus.

My God. My personal, loving God. Not the distant God. Not the God who doesn’t care. My God. Yahweh thank you for meeting my needs. Thank you for your provision. Today it’s sufficient, tomorrow it will be exceedingly, abundantly more. Yahweh, there is so much that I desire to do. So much that I also feel is needed. So many bills to pay. Yahweh, there has to be more to life than this. Life, the abundant life has to be more than just paying bills and slaving away. You desire joy for us, and while I know joy does not come from money, but comes from you. From you there is also life abundant. Help me to live in such a way that you are most abundant in me. That you are shown in me. Thank you for your love and service. Help me to live in service to you and others.

Psalm 23 – The Lord is my shepherd. I am never in need. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside peaceful waters.

He renews my soul. He guides me along the paths of righteousness for the sake of his name.
Even though I walk through the dark valley of death,
because you are with me, I fear no harm.
Your rod and your staff give me courage.

You prepare a banquet for me while my enemies watch. You anoint my head with oil. My cup overflows. Certainly, goodness and mercy will stay close to me all the days of my life, and I will remain in the Lord’s house for days without end.


Proverbs 13:22 – Good people leave an inheritance to their grandchildren,
but the wealth of sinners is stored away for a righteous person.

Spread the love