Morning Star
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January 23, 2022


I’m alive to tell the story of how I’ve overcome! The goodness and mercy and the power of the blood! Thank you for being my overcomer! For a new day in you. Thank you for all that you do behind the scenes that keep this universe moving. Thank you! You are an incredible God. Hallelujah!

Yesterday, I waxed eloquent about you preparing Moses for the 6 days and I absolutely believe you did. But I also believe (also after yesterday) that he was just in your presence. Just being in your presence. You have made yourself available to all of us and I am grateful for the opportunity to be in your presence.

Exodus 25: 1 – 8 – Then the Lord said to Moses, tell the Israelites to choose something to give me as a special contribution. You must accept whatever contribution each person freely gives. This is a kind of contribution you will accept from them… then have them make a holy place for me and I will live among them. 

Just a funny observation. How you will say accept whatever each person gives freely, then say what to accept? LOL, I know. It’s about how much they were able to give freely. You always accept and rejoice over what is freely given. I wish man was like that. Instead we are cajoled (and sometimes I’ve even seen folks “threatened”) to give more and more than they are able to give. And then the gifts are used wastefully. Yahweh, help us to be circumspect with what is given. Help it to be used the way you desire it to be used. 

Yahweh, I pray for the first elder. She has a mighty task ahead of her. Grant unto her strength, wisdom and understanding to do what you have called her to do. It is not an easy task: it’s not. But you aren’t a small God. Guide her into all truth, to lead the way that you desire. I pray also for the pastor. I don’t know exactly what to say. May your spirit permeate his life, his speech and decisions. He is to be your representative here on earth. I pray that he will do so in spirit and the truth.

You Dwell Among Us

You want to dwell among us. The thing is, you do. All the time, wherever you are. But you also understand human nature. We are physical beings and before the fall of man, you had that physical connection with us. But now because of sin, it is impossible for us to see you. But the sanctuary provided that physical anchor for us, a place where persons could turn to (especially in moments of doubt) and the rest assured that you are there. No lie though, I feel as though we hold on so tightly to the idea of the physical structure now, that it is easy to forget that you are everywhere and we don’t have to wait to be in the sanctuary to worship you and to approach you.

You were never bound by a physical structure and we should not be either. Help us to see beyond what the eyes can see. Thank you for choosing to live among us; the partner with us. Thank you, Yahweh, for who you are and your promise that I can do all things through you who gives me strength. Strength for today, provision for today, healing for today. Thank you. Hugggggggsssss. Well I can’t hug you physically, so it has to be virtual. 🙂

You know I am good with doing things by myself. I’ve always done a lot of things by myself. Mostly travelled by myself, dinners by myself. This year is the first time (for the most part) that I am embracing it fully. But it also seems to highlight how physically alone I am. I know that you are here, Yahweh and I am grateful for that. I am thankful for the time that you have called me to spend with you. But at times it does highlight how much I’ve always had to do on my own. I pray for your continued strength, it hasn’t even been a month yet and I’ve got a ways to go. Help me to learn what you require of me. My heart is yours, I love you.

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