April 15, 2022
When did he break his promise?
When did his kindness fail?
Never has, never will
My God is still the same.
Woke up with this song on my mind and I’m just so thankful that I serve a God who never changes. Thank you for your kindness, you have never failed. You have never broken a promise. Even when we mess up, you are still faithful. Even when it looks like our lives are going off the rails, you are still in control. Thank you for who you are! Thank you for being the same. Thank you for every moment that you have given me to honour you and to live for you. Thank you for always desiring what is good for us and for keeping us. Thank you for being true: you are exactly who you say you are. Hallelujah! Thank you! You are so worthy to be praised. I give you all the honour and glory that is due to your name.
Today Yahweh, I humble myself before you. Today, I am yours. Today I am choosing to live for you. You are my God and I live to worship you. Thank you for your million little miracles, but also thank you for the big, beyond belief miracles. You move mountains with the smallest seed of faith so I will trust you to move on my behalf. I will trust you to move on behalf of this household. I will trust you to move on behalf of this nation. Yahweh, we need you. We literally can’t do this without you. We try – and always fail, but we need you. Humble the heart of our leaders so that everything they would generally seek you and choose to serve you. The nation moves better when the leaders honour you. Touch them Yahweh, activate that unction of the spirit that you have placed in us and let their hearts and minds be fixed on you.
Thank you for your mercy, because for real, we are messing up and it’s only your mercy why we are not destroyed. Only because of you why we have breath. Thank you for saving us, for healing us, for making us right with you. Forgiveness. Help us not to take you for granted just because you’re always the same. Help us to live in your word and to seek you.
Yahweh, I bring before you “The Men.” Guide their hearts and minds – for out of the heart everything else flows. They are yours. Help them to choose you every minute and to trust you in all things especially in the impossible situations because you are the God who specialises in the “impossible.” May they see you and model themselves after you. May they see the beauty that you created in them and to enhance it by living for you and in you. I pray that they would know you personally.
Thank you for your promises. Thank you for today! Today is a holiday! I don’t have to rush to go anyway! I am so thankful for this opportunity to rest and to continue to rest in you. Thank you for who you are. I love you.
1 John 5:21 – Dear children, guard yourselves from false gods.
Why are we called to guard ourselves from false gods? What about Yahweh’s promise to protect us? (1 John 5:18 – Rather the son of God protects them, and the evil one can’t harm them). So why do we have to guard ourselves?
Because we have to choose to believe that Jesus is the Saviour. We have to choose to obey him and it always amazes me that the almighty God would humble himself to the choices that we make. Yahweh, help me to always choose you and to obey you.
1 John 5:3-4 – To love God means that we obey his commandments. Obey his commandments isn’t difficult because everyone who has been born of God has won the victory over the world. Our faith is what wins the victory over the world.
Faith is the victory! Faith is the victory! Oh glorious victory that overcomes the world.
No lie, it often seems like our faith is too small to make a difference. How can a faith so small overcome the world?
Because of Jesus:
Who came as our Messiah.
Who came to save us.
Who shed his blood to save us.
Who has given us his testimony.
The thing is – even if our faith is small, our God isn’t. And he loves the impossible, he loves when we put our faith in him. We are confident that Yahweh listens to us once we ask for anything that has his approval. So we need to take that small faith and place it in our big God.
You know something? I think many times we know deep down when something we are asking for isn’t from Yahweh. We may not want to admit it to ourselves but we know and sometimes when we ask him, we tack on, “Not my will,” because we know. Yes, I believe that there is a genuine “not my will” vs the tack on “not my will.” There is a difference and Yahweh knows that. He sees straight through to our hearts. Yahweh, I pray that we would guard our hearts so jealously that we would live so completely in you that all others see when you look at us is you. Help us to have your understanding:
The one who is real.
The one who is eternal.
The one who is God.
Thank you for who you are, thank you for being real.
Fasting is truly a sacrifice. Mom baked last night and the usual is to taste the cake in the morning. This morning she actually said, “Well taste the cake, nahh!” I was hoping to slip by unnoticed, well not me physically. But I was hoping she wouldn’t notice I didn’t taste the cake. She did. I simply said, “I’ll taste it later.”
Yahweh, I pray that this sacrifice would be acceptable to you. I do know and understand that fasting and praying is not just about not eating, but it’s an attitude of praise. It’s a lifestyle that is in total dedication to you. Help me to live each day in you. I love you.