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August 3, 2022


What happens when the very, very prim and proper old, Chinese lady tells a slightly dirty joke? You buss out laughing. I think it was mostly in shock because who would expect this lady with pearls to tell such a joke. But I think I should have suspected something based on her shoes. Those shoes were everything but prim and proper. I would totally wear them.



  1. The bank took out more than they were supposed to for the loan. They are supposed to reverse the funds, but so far it has not been. The upside? I have no funds for another bill and to put gasoline in the vehicle. I am trying to look on the bright side. And I’m looking forward to the testimony that would come from this story.
  2. An absolutely fun day in training.
  3. Completely unexpected joke. No words. No words.
  4. Daniel 6-10


the words "even if..." written in purple and gold with pink and green swirls at the bottom


You know …that song. “Even if” by MercyMe. Habakkuk 3:17-18.

Even if.

Because you are worthy to be praised.

Even if I’m in debt for the rest of my life, I will still sing your praise.

Even if I never get married, I’ll still worship you.

Even if you strike me with arrows, I will still honour you.

Even if…I will still live for you.

Because even if everything looks wrong, you still love me.

Even if I feel weird, I still love you. There is no comparison at all: your love far outstrips mine but I do love you.

Yahweh and in spite of all this, I still pray for your healing. I’m still thankful for your restoration. I pray for your divine, supernatural intervention in my finances, cause I definitely cannot even pretend to do this on my own.  Restore Yahweh, to your will.


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