time with Yahweh during the day
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April 28, 2022


There is an end in sight for my sauna! They’re supposed to come on Tuesday to install a new AC. Can I get a Woot! Woot! My mom said recently that she doesn’t know why folks say that they want to thank the Lord in advance. I told her because it hadn’t happened yet. She watched me straight face and said, “It’s still the same thank you. So just say thank you!” The truth is she has a point. And honestly I was about to say thank you in advance but instead I am saying or rather singing: 

Thank you Lord! Thank you! (alá Jaron Nurse and Nathaniel).

Thank you Yahweh for your goodness and mercy. For working things out for your glory, because at the end of the day whatever is done must glorify you. You are so good. Thank you. 

I’m excited! I actually learned to do a couple things on the site! Happy dance. I’m learning! I’m learning! Thank you!

Just a thought: Yahweh truly treats us according to our abilities and what he’s calling us to do. 

Jeremiah: He said, Do not be terrified in their presence or I will make you even more terrified in their presence. 

Moses: What about your brother? I will help you both to speak. 

I was about to say while reading Jeremiah that if Yahweh says go, then go without fear or he will make us more terrified. But the truth is, he is a personal God and while his goal will be accomplished, he does not treat everyone the same when giving them their mission. 

Esther: Three days fasting and praying, though she didn’t get a directive directly from Yahweh.

For most of the prophets, they had a vision or Yahweh spoke. Jeremiah was actually quite unique in the way he was called. Probably because of the type of message. 

Hmmmm. So you know why you have to pray while fasting?

  1. If there is no praying it’s just an extreme diet. 
  2. The praying and studying helps to keep the hunger at bay. When you shift your focus for instance driving or other work, the hunger pangs, comes with a vengeance.


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