Morning Star
Spread the love

November 26, 2022


It’s November 26, 2022. What are you telling me to do? Yahweh, last night we were discussing encounters with you. Those moments when we know beyond a doubt that it’s you speaking. That you are holding our hands. I am thankful for those heightened moments. I know that you are always here, there and everywhere, but those moments add another dimension and often show forth your glory in unexpected ways. Yahweh, I pray that no matter what stage we are in life, we will choose to glorify you. Because you are worthy of every praise. Every honour. You are King and Lord of my life and I am thankful for every moment. Thank you Yahweh for who I am. I love you. Amen.


Hebrews 13:5-6 – Don’t love money. Be happy with what you have because God has said, “I will never abandon you or leave you.” So we can confidently say, “The Lord is my helper. I will not be afraid. What can mortals do to me?”


Thank you for your amazing promises. Thank you for showing your love for us. Cleanse us Yahweh of all that separates us from you. Help us to trust you and to live a life that is pleasing to you. This is my prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen.

?? I wrote thank you Yahweh for who I am? I truly don’t remember writing that. But I know that I was being intentional in my words with you. And of a truth, I am thankful. Not because I am perfect, far from it. Not because of what I believe, but because of who you made me to be. You made me. You were intentional about making me and every single one of us. You knew our purpose, my calling. You knew what you required and you made me for that. So I am thankful. For my nose, my smile, my thoughts, for the creativity. For my melanin, for this heart. Yahweh, it is to you, to glorify you. To honour you. I will not dishonour who you are, by dishonouring who you made me to be. Thank you Yahweh. Help me to keep on growing in you until you return or call me home. Amen.


Numbers 6:24-26 – The Lord will bless you and watch over you. The Lord will smile on you and be kind to you. The Lord will look on you with favor and give you peace.’


It’s a bit interesting that this scripture came up. The speaker pointed out two things – God and me. That Yahweh cares about me. Who I am. That he will look after me and lean into me. But Yahweh, will also require a lean forward from me too. Imagine Yahweh leaning into me and me leaning away because I’m afraid that he won’t like what he sees. Or will see. But he sees everything, he knows all of who I am and still leans in. Yahweh, thank you for leaning in and for that check in my spirit that you see so much good in us. Yes, we have fallen short, but you don’t make junk. That your leaning in isn’t in spite of my flaws, but because of who I am. And you never leave me. Thank you for your everlasting promise. I love you.

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