JANUARY 16, 2022
SOLITUDE is the atmosphere for the SOUL
It’s 3:30 something. I realized that I was fantasizing again (not that type of fantasy, behave yourself) and so got up, because it meant that I was not going back to sleep right now. (I need to figure out something for these black pens. I do prefer a certain type, but the ink finishes fast and they don’t have any more in the store. Well they only have the more expensive one, but I prefer the feel of the other brand. Oh well).Â
So I was going to study Song of Songs 3 (btw, I love how that sounds). And I will one of these days, but even though it is to focus on the spiritual aspect, I don’t think I’m mentally prepared for where it could take me. So we’ll start what I was going to do yesterday. Yahweh, my heart is yours. My mind is yours. Please speak to me and incline my heart to hear from you: to draw closer to you.Â
Breath / breathe. Â Physical/spiritualÂ
Breath: the air is taken into or expelled from the lungs.
Breathe: to take care into the lungs and then expel it.Â
Genesis 2:7- Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the earth and blew the breath of life into his nostrils. The Man became a living being.Â
Dust of the earth – elevated dirt. It was through both the act of breathing and what he breathed out that man became a living soul. It was the intent behind the act. We are made in His image so I believe that there is some routine in and out action of air into Yahweh constantly. But similar to when Jesus healed, there was deliberate intent behind the act that actually brought forth life. When you think about it, if life didn’t come forth intentionally every time Yahweh breathed, another life form would be created. Yahweh is in full control of all his actions, nothing is done without thought put into it. The same care that you put into the first intentional life starting breath, it’s the same care he has now to maintain our life.Â
Ecclesiastes 11: 5 – Just as you don’t know how the breath of life enters the limb of a child within its mother’s womb, you also don’t understand how God, who made everything, works.Â
The spiritual creates the physical. We cannot see Yahweh operating in the spiritual, but his manifestations are physical. We are made alive because of Yahweh’s breath.Â
Isaiah 2: 22 – Stop trusting people. Their life is in their nostrils – how can they be worth anything?Â
We don’t even control our breath, or why we breathe. It happens without us thinking and even when we try to control it, it is only for a while. Yet we are overly invested in what someone who doesn’t know how to even breathe thinks of us. We trust them to take care of us. But we should trust the one who is actually breathing for us. Who understands how we are able to breathe.Â
Romans 8:5-10. Those who live by the corrupt nature have the corrupt nature’s attitude. But those who live by the spiritual nature have a spiritual nature’s attitude… those who are under control of the corrupt nature cannot please God…however, if Christ lives in you, your bodies are dead because of sin, but your spirits are alive because you have God’s approval.
So I’ve never watched “The Walking Dead” but from what I understand it’s about zombies that if they bite you / touch you? (I don’t even know), you become like them. But the world in reality is like the walking dead. There is no real purpose behind their existence so they move around however looking for what they don’t know. They don’t even know they’re dead.Â
But when your spirit is alive in Christ, your whole body is alive: physically and spiritually. You are able to stand against The Walking Dead. Without God we are dead!! We’re just dirt.Â