Morning Star
Spread the love

October 14, 2022


Yahweh, so many times, well sometimes, it still enters into my thoughts that I have to do this or that to earn your favour. That I have to do the “right thing” (whatever this is) in order for you to bless me. In this season, there are those moments when I think that there is something that I have to do, to still do in order to be brought out of this drought.

But I am asking for your forgiveness for these thoughts, because what you’re doing is about your faithfulness and not mine (cause mine is tiny and you’re a big God). Yes, you’ve asked me to take certain steps and I need to be faithful in trusting you. That what you say you will do, you will do. Because you are faithful and there is no “bribing” or cajoling on my part to somehow get you to do something on my timeline. Thank you for forgiving me. Your faithfulness is new every morning. Every time I open my eyes, it’s there. When I turn to the left or right, it’s there. You are faithful. You rescue from the flood. You anchor me in you. You hold me in your arms and I am thankful for that.

I am also thankful that you’re not like men. You don’t chastise me for moments of fear or doubt, but you remind me that I have to turn it over to you. That I can’t live in that fear. That your love, your perfect love, your love that accomplishes what it sets out to do. Your love pushes away fear.



Faith is the victory, faith is the victory

O glorious victory, that overcomes the world.

I’ve always sung this song with the idea that it’s my faith, our faith (as people) that overcomes the world. That breaks down the walls. But it’s your faith. Not mine. It’s you who overcomes the world. It’s you who won the battle. Yes we are called to trust you, to believe in you. To hold on to who you are and what you have said. But faith originates from you and it was/is faith that truly overcomes. Yahweh, thank you for being faithful. Thank you for your appointed time, that even though in my physical eyes, it looks bleak, in the Spirit you are shining more and more to that perfect day. You are always on time for your glory.

Thank you. Yahweh, I lift up the Alleyne family before you. Confession: I’ve always admired them and every time we speak, my respect for them grows. But it’s not about what I feel, but about what you know. Yahweh, I pray that their hearts will always be open to you. That they will prosper and be in good health. I pray that whatever season that they are in, what trials that Lee is facing that she will  hold on to you, come what may. That her heart will be fixed on you and her ears open to your word. Bind them together. In the name of Jesus.

Remember this household. Mom, Dad, myself. Help us to trust you. Help us to honour you in all things. Yahweh, I see your hands moving in so many things and I pray that I will be honest in my movements. That I don’t fall back into old habits, but that I will lean into you who is the author and finisher of my faith.

You are faithful.

Faithful in mercy.

Faithful in your love.

I just smiled as I remembered the “smother in mercy” thought. That we can’t out breathe, out think your mercy. Thank you for your faithfulness. I love you.

Deuteronomy 7:9 – Keep in mind that the Lord your God is the only God. He is a faithful God, who keeps his promise  and is merciful to thousands of generations of those who love him and obey his commands.


The only God

The faithful God.

Faithful is Our God – Hezekiah Walker

Thank you for your faithfulness. You’re gonna get tired of me saying thank you and since you never get tired!! I’ll keep saying thank you!

Deuteronomy 32:4 – He is a rock. What he does is perfect. All his ways are fair. He is a faithful God, who does no wrong. He is honorable and reliable.

When we look up the word “faithful” all we see is a picture of Yahweh. That’s it. It is the very definition of who he is. You are faithful.

2 Thessalonians 3:3 – But the Lord is faithful and will strengthen you and protect you against the evil one.

Everywhere I turn, your faithfulness surrounds me.

the words "God is faithful" written in blue and green


Sometimes I go over something I just, just prayed about because of what happened after. This morning, I asked for forgiveness for believing at times that it’s what I do that cajoles Yahweh to do what he said he will do. And I went to look for a song that was on my heart, “Faithful is Our God.” As I opened YouTube, a sermon came up, “The Fiction of Faith.” Because faith was in the title I chose to listen to it (after singing) and I’m here listening to the sentiments of what I was just praying about being echoed by the Pastor. Thank you Yahweh that your faithfulness is not dependent on me, but is all you!! I love you.

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